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DUNBAR, David of Durris
(About 1459-About 1521)
(About 1460-)
LESLIE, William 7th of Balquhain, Sir
(About 1472-1545)
OGILVY, Elizabeth
(About 1485-1518)
DUNBAR, James of Tarbat
(About 1486-1563)
LESLIE, Elizabeth
(About 1517-)
DUNBAR, James 2nd of Tarbat
(About 1534-1601)


Family Links

1. OGILVY, Marjory

DUNBAR, James 2nd of Tarbat 2 3

  • Born: About 1534
  • Marriage (1): OGILVY, Marjory after 24 October 1555 1 2
  • Died: by 26 December 1601 4

   Another name for James was DUMBAR, James of Tarbat.5

   User ID: V2.

  General Notes:

"In the tyms wherein this Wiliam Rose of Kilravock lived (1540-1511), I find there was much trouble betwixt the name of Rose, of the familie of Bellivat, and those of the name of Dunbar, which, by the letters raised by the name of Dunbar, began October 8, 1598 ; upon which severalls of the name of Rose, were alleadged to come to the houses of George Dunbar and William Falconer in Clune, to have raised fire and spoiled their goods.
The ground of the quarrell was, because David Rose M' Wiliam alleadged the Cluin to be his kindlie possession, and therefor quarrelled with these, as encroachers upon him. This begot such quarrells betwext the name of Rose and Dunbar, that they were not extinct fullie, till the year 1603.
Though David Rose M'Wiliam, leader in the quarrells, was killed in or about the year 1600, being betrayed by a confident of his own, of the name of M'Grigor, hanged afterwards at Edinburgh. In this quarrell, the Laird of Tarbat was killed ; Duniphail, Mondoll, and Sanchar, burned by one partie, and the house and lands of Geddes spoiled and burned by the other partie. These that mainlie concerned themselves in the one partie, were John Dunbar of Moynes, Alexander Dunbar of Tarbat, and Robert Dunbar of Burgie..........." (page 87)

from Family of Rose

"1553 April 11
Instrument narrating that James Dunbar, so and apparent heir of James Dunbar of Terbert, and parish clerk of Cumnok in diocese of Glasgow, compeared before James, archbishop of Glasgow, in choir of church thereof at general synod held there, and there resigned?"

from GD248/73/1

"28 May 1558 Charter by Queen Mary to the said James Dumbar son and apparent heir of the said James Dumbar of Eister Terbert and his heirs and assignees heritably
Of the said Lands of Eister Ardes called Corbettis Land which formerly belonged to the said James Dunbar of Easter Terbart and were resigned by him into Her Majestys hands. To be held of the Crown in feu and heritage for ever (under reservation of the liferent of the foresaid Marjory Ogilvy) for rendering yearly the rights and Services due and wont.
Given under the Great Seal at Edinburgh"

from GD305/1/80/31

"Dated at Ballenbreych 4th March 1563.
Precept of Clare Constat by Andrew Earl of Rothes Lord Leslie etc. for infefting James Dunbar of Tarbat as heir of the said James Dunbar his father in the said Lands of Kyndece Wester and Downelarne lying in the Barony of Ballenbrech aforesaid which were held of the Granter in chief"

from GD305/1/104/282

"15-16 Dec 1564
INSTRUMENT of SASINE in favour of James Dumbar of Eister Tarbet of the lands of Kyndess Wester and Dounlarne, in barony of Ballinbraith and sheriffdom of Inverness; on precept of clare constat, dated 4 March 1563-1564, by Andrew, Earl of Rothes, in favour of said James Dumbar, as heir of James Dumbar of Tarbet, his father"

from GD1/125/1

"Writs of parts of lands of Dunphail
1571 December 12
Precept of clare constat by Gavin Dunbar, archdean of Moray, with consent of Alexander Dunbar of Cunzie, his father, and George Dunbar in Waster Alwes, in favour of James Dunbar of Tarbart, son and heir of deceased James Dunbar of Tarbart, in lands of Glenmoir, fortalice of Dunfaill, and other lands in sheriffdom of Elgin and Forres, regality of Spynie.
Signed by granter and his father."

"1578 August 20
Tack of teinds by Mr Alexander Dunbar, dean of Moray, and subchanter of the same, with consent of bishop and chapter, to James Dunbar of Tarbart and Marion Ogilvy, his spouse, of lands of Dowesbrachtie/Dollesbrachtie and Clunerny in parish of Ardclach, diocese of Moray, sheriffdom of Elgin and Forres, for 19 years."

from GD248/73/2/2

"21 Jul 1580 Dated at the Milton of Meddat
Contract and Agreement between the said James Dunbar of Tarbat on the one part and Andrew Monro of Newmoir proprietor of the Kings Mills of the Milton of Meddat on the other part

Whereby on the narrative that the said James Dunbars Lands of Easter Tarbet were "thrallit sukkin" to the said Andrews Mill of the Milton of Meddat and on the narrative that the said Andrews father had permitted James Dunbar father of the said James to build a Mill upon his own Lands of Easter Tarbet and grind thereat the corns growing upon the said Lands the said Andrew Binds himself and his heirs to continue the same privilege to the said James Dunbar and his heirs; and the said James and his foresaids become bound to pay yearly to the granter and his heirs ten Bolls of Beir"

from GD305/1/121/496

"9 Aug 1580 Dated at Tarbert (? Tarbat?)
Discharge by George Monro of Meikle Tarrell son and apparent heir of the said Andrew Monro of Newmoir and Marion McCullocht Spouse of the said George with consent of the said Andrew

Whereby on the narrative of the long standing 'pley' between the proprietors of Meikle Tarrell and the said James Dunbar of Tarbet and his predessors respecting the claim advanced by them respectively to the said Annualrent of 50 shillings out of the Lands of Easter Aird and on the narrative of the Granterss desire to maintain friendship with the said James Dunbar they discharge for themselves their heirs and successors proprietors of Meikle Tarrell all action against the said James Dunbar of Tarbat and his heirs relative to the said annualrent."

from GD305/1/80/36

"5 Mar 1585
Extract Registered Submission and Decreet Arbitral by George Dumbar of Avach and others arbitrators chosen on the part of William Ross of Priesthill now styled of Easter Fernie and James Dumbar of Tarbat and others arbitrators chosen on the part of David Monro of ettig for deciding on questions and debates betwixt the said William Ross and the said David Monro anent the commontie and property debatable betwixt the Lands of Delnie Balintraid and Priesthill
This Decreet is dated at Delnie and Belintraid and is registered in the Books of the Lords of Council at Edinburgh 3rd June 1625."

from GD305/1/76/108 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

James married Marjory OGILVY, daughter of Sir Walter OGILVY 3rd of Boyne, Provost of Banff and Christian KEITH, after 24 October 1555.1 2 (Marjory OGILVY was born about 1534.)

  Marriage Notes:

"1555 October 24
Contract between Walter Ogilvy of Boyne kt and Margaret Ogilvy his daughter on one part, and James Dunbar of Terbert and James Dunbar, his son and apparent heir, on other part, whereby said Margaret is to marry said James younger, before next Easter, etc. Traces of 2 applied seals."

from GD248/82/4

Note: It may be that the original partner for marriage with James Dunbar was his widowed daughter Margaret, or 'Margaret' may be an error, referring to Marjory.

"13 Dec 1555 To be held of the Crown for rendering the Services used and wont.
Dated at Fores
Charter by the said James Dumbar of Terbert and Estirardis to Marjorie Ogelvy daughter of Walter Ogilvy of Boyne Knight in liferent of the said Lands of Estirardis called Corbettis Land"

from GD305/1/80/29

"16 Oct 1566
Submission between Alexander Ross of Balnagown, with consent of Katherine McKennych, his spouse, John Innes of Innerbrakye [Inverbrecky], and Walter Innes, his son and apparent heir, on the one part, and James Dunbar of Eistor Tarbart [Easter Tarbat], with consent of Marjorie Ogylvye [Ogilvie], his spouse, on the other part, to arbitors (named) to define the marches of Eister and Wester Torbart."

from GD1/187/5

"30 Mar 1581
Instrument of Sasine proceeding upon a Precept in a Charter dated 28 March 1581. by James Dunbar of Tarbat in favour of Marjory Ogilvy his Spouse in liferent of the said Lands of Easter Tarbat under reservation of the Granter's liferent thereof"

from GD305/1/121/497 1 2 13


1 National Records of Scotland, GD1 Miscellaneous small collections of family, business and other papers GD1/187 Innes of Inverbrecky, Ross-shire15491804 GD1/187/5.

2 National Records of Scotland, GD248 Papers of the Ogilvy family, Earls of Seafield (Seafield Papers) c1205-1971 GD248/82/4.

3 National Records of Scotland, GD305 Papers of the MacKenzie Family, Earls of Cromartie (Cromartie Muniments) GD305/1/104 Lands Sold, and not included in the Investitures: Kyndeis and Downielarne, in the County of Inverness 1531-1664 GD305/1/104/282.

4 National Records of Scotland, GD305 Papers of the MacKenzie Family, Earls of Cromartie (Cromartie Muniments)1257-1970 GD305/1 Cromartie Muniments GD305/1/104 Lands Sold, and not included in the Investitures: Kyndeis and Downielarne, in the County of Inverness 1531-1664 GD305/1/104/28.

5 National Records of Scotland, GD305 Papers of the MacKenzie Family, Earls of Cromartie (Cromartie Muniments) 1257-1970 GD305/1 Cromartie Muniments 1257-1877 GD305/1/76/108.

6 National Records of Scotland, GD305 Papers of the MacKenzie Family, Earls of Cromartie (Cromartie Muniments)1257-1970 GD305/1 Cromartie Muniments 1257-1877 GD305/1/121/496.

7 National Records of Scotland, GD305 Papers of the MacKenzie Family, Earls of Cromartie (Cromartie Muniments)1257-1970 GD305/1 Cromartie Muniments 1257-1877 GD305/1/80/36.

8 National Records of Scotland, GD248 Papers of the Ogilvy family, Earls of Seafield (Seafield Papers) c1205-1971 GD248/73/1.

9 National Records of Scotland, GD248 Papers of the Ogilvy family, Earls of Seafield (Seafield Papers) c1205-1971 GD248/73/2/2.

10 National Records of Scotland, GD305 Papers of the MacKenzie Family, Earls of Cromartie (Cromartie Muniments) 1257-1970 GD305/1 Cromartie Muniments 1257-1877 GD305/1/80/31.

11 National Records of Scotland, GD1 Miscellaneous small collections of family, business and other papers GD1/125 Nigg and Cromarty titles GD1/125/1.

12 e-books, A Genealogical Deduction of the Family of Rose of Kilravock by Hew Rose and Lachlan Shaw (1848).

13 National Records of Scotland, GD305 Papers of the MacKenzie Family, Earls of Cromartie (Cromartie Muniments) 1257-1970 GD305/1 Cromartie Muniments 1257-1877 GD305/1/80/29.

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