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JAFFRAY, Alexander of Kingswells, Provost of Aberdeen
ERSKINE, Magdalene
(About 1590-1640)
JAFFRAY, John of Dilspro, Provost of Aberdeen
GORDON, Margaret of the Abergeldie family
(About 1635-1678)
JAFFRAY, Thomas of Dilspro, Mr
(About 1658-1693)


Family Links

1. MOIR, Isobell

JAFFRAY, Thomas of Dilspro, Mr 1 2 3 4

  • Born: About 1658
  • Marriage (1): MOIR, Isobell before 21 August 1687 1
  • Died: 19 September 1693 2

   User ID: X287.

  General Notes:

"The only children known to have survived their father were Thomas, who succeeded to Dilspro, died 19th September, 1698; and Janet, baptised 4th October, 1642, who married Robert Skene, merchant, and afterwards treasurer of the burgh."

from Aldermen and Provosts 2

  Research Notes:


It is not clear from the parish registers which of John Jaffray's wives was the mother of Thomas.

The children of John Jaffray and Janet Forbes, with name variations, listed in the OPR Index of Births and Baptisms online are:

JAFFRAY, ALEXANDER, 06/01/1638, 168/A 30 191, Aberdeen
JAFFRAY, MAGDELENE, 01/11/1639, 168/A 30 236, Aberdeen
JAFFRAY, JANET, 17/04/1641, 168/A 30 271, Aberdeen
JAFFRAY, JANNET, 10/11/1642, 168/A 30 308, Aberdeen
JAFFRAY, WILLIAME, 16/12/1643, 168/A 30 334, Aberdeen
JAFFRAY, JEANE, 13/02/1648, 168/A 40 10, Aberdeen
JAFFRAY, ELIZABETH, 13/08/1649, 168/A 40 57, Aberdeen
JAFFRAY, JOHNE, 21/12/1651, 168/A 40 127, Aberdeen
JAFFRAY, RACHELL, 31/03/1653, 168/A 40 165, Aberdeen
JAFFRAY, JEANE, 16/03/1656, 168/A, 40 261, Aberdeen

Janet is said to have died on 14 March 1656, presumably in childbirth as Jeane was was baptised two days later.

The children of John Jaffray and Margaret Gordon, with name variations, listed in the OPR Index of Births and Baptisms online are:

JAFFRAY, ALEXANDER, 27/02/1660, 168/A 40 382, Aberdeen
JAFFRAY, JOHNE, 20/08/1657, 168/A 40 319, Aberdeen
JAFFRAY, CATHERINE, 05/04/1661, 168/A 40 403, Aberdeen
JAFFRAY, MARGARET, 09/01/1659, 168/A 40 356, Aberdeen
JAFFRAY, MARIE, 16/11/1662, 168/A 40 428, Aberdeen

Margaret is said to have died on 11 October 1678.

There is a Thomas Jaffray 1660 baptism record listed in Old Machar parish Aberdeen, with no mother named:

JAFFRAY, THOMAS, JON. JAFFRAY/, 06/05/1660, 168/B 10 190, Old Machar

This cannot be a son of Janet, since she had died in 1656, nor a son of Margaret, since she had just had a child baptised in February of the same year.

Thomas is place here as the son of Margaret
1 because of the Dilspro link
2 because his second daughter was named Margaret.

This may not be correct, as A. M. Munro states that:

"The family of the first marriage consisted of four sons and seven daughters, and of the second marriage two sons and three daughters."

Yet, the parish registers show only three sons for Janet, namely Alexander, William and John. If Thomas was a child of janet then his birth must have been in the short time slot when Janet was not pregbabt with her other children, and the mystery remains as to why his baptism was not included in the parish register.

The epitaph on the St Nicholas Churchyard gravestone does not help either:

"Here lies a most noble man, John Jaffray of Dilspro, Chief Magistrate of Aberdeen, who died 10th June, 1684; also Mr. Thomas Jaffray of Dilspro, his son, who died 19th September, 1693." 2 3

Thomas married Isobell MOIR, daughter of John MOIR of Barns, younger Merchant, Burgess in Aberdeen and Mary COCHRANE, before 21 August 1687.1 (Isobell MOIR was baptised on 7 June 1664 in Saint Nicholas parish, Aberdeen, Scotland 3.)

  Marriage Notes:

"1687. Aug. 21. Mr. THOMAS JAFFRAY of Dilspro and ISSOBELL MOIR married. (This Jaffrey was a great Quaker family, long connected with the town, and owned for several generations the estate of Kingswells.)"

from Families of Moir and Byres 1


1 e-books, The Families of Moir and Byres by Andrew J. Mitchell Gill (1885).

2 e-books, Memorials of the Aldermen, Provosts and Lord Provosts of Aberdeen 1272-1895 by A. M. Munro (1897).

3 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Births and Baptisms.

4 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Saint Nicholas parish Aberdeen Baptisms.

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