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McGUNNIGAL, James (DNA Linked)
(About 1820-1888)
HARKIN, Margaret (DNA Linked)
(About 1830-1904/004)
(About 1854-)
McGUNNIGAL, Sarah Ann (DNA Link)
(About 1855-1924)
SWEENEY, Michael (DNA Link)


Family Links

1. FEENEY, Elizabeth

  • SWEENEY, James
  • SWEENEY, Mary Therese OP, Cabra, Sister
  • SWEENEY, Sarah Ann
  • SWEENEY, John or Paschal CP, Bishop of Vanimo, New Guinea, Bishop
  • SWEENEY, Patricia
  • SWEENEY, Michael Vincent
  • SWEENEY, Rodger (DNA Link)+

SWEENEY, Michael (DNA Link) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

  • Born: 5 November 1881, Chapelhall, Holytown district, Bothwell parish, Lanarkshire, Scotland 2 3 4 8
  • Marriage (1): FEENEY, Elizabeth on 1 January 1906 in RC Church, Mossend, Bellshill, Lanarkshire, Scotland 1
  • Died: 27 June 1937, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia 5 6
  • Buried: 1937, West Terrace cemetery, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia 5

   Other names for Michael were SWEENEY, Michl. 9 and SWEENY, Michael.10

   User ID: L94.

  General Notes:

In the 1911 UK census for Motherwell, Lanarkshire, James and Lizzie Sweeney, aged 29 and 28 years respectively, were recorded living at 29 Albert Street with the three children James, aged 4 years, Mary R., aged 2 years and Sarah A., aged 3 months. Michael was a coal miner by occupation.

"Name:Michl Sweeney
Birth Date:abt 1882
Departure Date:23 Sep 1911
Port of Departure:Liverpool, England
Destination Port:Adelaide, Australia
Ship Name:Belgic"

from Outward Passenger Lists


Father Paschal, C.P., Bereaved.
Deep sympathy is felt for the relatives of Micliael Sweeney, who died at a private hospital in Adelaide on Sunday morning, June 27. His death, at the age of 56, following a brief illness, has left his bereaved wife and family under a heavy cloud of sorrow.
The late Mr. Sweeney was a well known and widely respected parishioner of Colonel Tight Gardens. Two children of the deceased are members of Religious Orders: Father Paschal, C.P., Mary's Mount, Goulburn, and Sister Mary Therese, O.P., Cabra. The other members of the family are: James, Sarah, Patricia, Vincent, and Raymund.
On Monday morning, Solemn Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of the deceased was offered at St. Paul's Retreat, Glen Osmond, by Fr. Paschal, C.P., Fr. Alphonsus, C.P., and Father Placid, C.P., acting as Deacon and Sub-Deacon.
The following Priests were present: Very Revs. Father O'Reilly, O.P., Father McFarlane, M.S.C., Rev.
Fathers E. L. O'Connell. P.P., J. A. Gatzemeyer, P.P., C. James, P.P., E. A. Robertson, P.P., J. P. O'Doherty, O.P., Lee, M.S.C., M. J. Bayard, T. Honner, T. O'Reilly, V. Russell, T. O'Rourke, E. Griffiths, J. O'Callaghan, Vincent, C.P., Athanasius, C. P., Francis, C.P., Osmund, C.P., and Xavier, C.P."

from Southern Cross (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1954), Friday 2 July 1937, page 14 8 9 11

Michael married Elizabeth FEENEY on 1 January 1906 in RC Church, Mossend, Bellshill, Lanarkshire, Scotland.1 (Elizabeth FEENEY was born on 1 April 1883 in Blantyre, Lanarkshire, Scotland,1 8 12 13 14 died on 3 June 1962 in Adelaide, South Australia, Australia 14 15 and was buried in 1962 in West Terrace cemetery, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia 14.)

  Marriage Notes:

The marriage was solemnised after publication of banns according to the rites and forms of the Roman Catholic Church, the priest being Benjamin Kenneally. The witnesses were James Sweeney and Jane Timmons.

Michael Sweeney was a single man of 24 years of age, working as a coal miner. He lived at 12 Wellington Street Motherwell.

Elizabeth Feeney was a domestic servant residing at Hunter's Land, Main Street, Bellshill. She was 22 years old and single. Her parents were John Feeney and Mary Ryan.

The marriage was registered at Bellshill on 5 January 1906. 1


1 GRO Scotland, Bellshill district Lanarkshire Marriages 1906.

2 ancestry.co.uk, Scotland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950.

3 1891 UK Census, Bothwell parish Lanarkshire; ED: 14; Page: 11.

4 GRO Scotland, Index of Births.

5 ancestry.co.uk, Australia and New Zealand, Find A Grave Index, 1800s-Current.

6 ancestry.co.uk, Australia, Death Index, 1787-1985.

7 ancestry.co.uk, Brett Green Family Tree.

8 1911 UK Census, Dalziel Lanarkshire 639/ 2/ 30.

9 ancestry.co.uk, UK, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960.

10 1901 UK Census, Bothwell parish Lanarkshire; ED: 16; Page: 19;.

11 Newspaper Announcement, Southern Cross, Adelaide, South Australia 2 July 1937 obituary Michael Sweeney.

12 1891 UK Census, Bothwell parish Lanarkshire; ED: 11; Page: 22.

13 1901 UK Census, Cadder parish Lanarkshire; ED: 4; Page: 12.

14 ancestry.co.uk, Australia and New Zealand, Find a Grave® Index, 1800s-Current.

15 ancestry.co.uk, Australia, Electoral Rolls, 1903-1980.

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