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(About 1530-)
GARTSHORE, John of that Ilk
(About 1570-1618)
STARK, Barbara
(About 1582-Before 1673)
GARTSHORE, John of that Ilk
(About 1600-)


Family Links


GARTSHORE, John of that Ilk 1 2 3

  • Born: About 1600
  • Marriage (1): MUIRHEAD, Jean 1

   Other names for John were GARTSCHOIR, John Of That Ilk,4 GARTSCHOIR, Jon 5 and GARTSHOIR, John Of That Ilk.4

  General Notes:

The Garthshores or Gartshores, with other variant spellings in older documents, are said to have been an old family whose support for King Charles I dilapidated their fortune.

In Argyll Sasines Vol. XIII (1st series) 160 6 May 1623 reference is made to a sasine of the 5 pound land of Easter Gartshore given by William Fleming of Overcroy Baillie to John Gartshore Of That Ilk by the Earl of Wigtoun in favour of said John Gartshore. It is signed 16 Nov.1622 before James Muirhead of Lachope, George Cleland of Glenhowe, and Robert Burne in Sorvey. Witnesses to the sasine are William Stark of Auchinstarie and his brother John Stark, and John Muirhead son of the above. Reg.28th June 1623.Fol.58.Book 1."

161 16 May 1623. Sasine of that part of the 5 pound land of Gartshore called the towns and lands of Easter Gartshore, the lands of Drimgrew and Craufords given by Baillie to Jean Muirhead wife of a venerable man, John Gartshore Of That Ilk. It is signed 16 May 1623. during the life of Barbera Stark mother of John Gartshore. Jean is mentioned as to the Mains of Gartshore. Same witnesses as above. Reg.28th June 1623 Fol.60 Book 1."

Register of Deeds 1662, 1663,1666, Page 164,169,213 Book 1.
Gartchoire, Gartschoire,Gartschoir,Gartshoar...
John of That Ilk. 6 Jun 1666 Vol 16 Page 152.
John of That Ilk. 1 Apr 1663 Vol 8 Page 195.
John of That Ilk. 28 Apr 1663 Vol 7 Page 634.
John of That Ilk. 24 May 1662 Vol 5 Page 182.
John of That Ilk. 26 May 1662 Vol 26 Page 189.
John of That Ilk. 3 Jun 1662 Vol 5 Page 328."

There is a Bond dated 10th Jul 1661 Vol 1 Page 505 for John Of That Ilk."

from Geocities web archive

In 1638 "John Gartschoir of that ilk" is mentioned in the Draft Contract by George Hutcheson for founding a School (300) page 248:
"And for entertaineament of the Maister of the said house, and young anes sua to be placit thairintill, sua mony as the rent underwritten may afford to be sustainit therein, the said George has allottit and appointit ane thowsand merks (deleted) saxtcin hundreth merks yeirly, as being the ordinar anuelrent of twelf (deleted) twentie thousand five hundreth (deleted) merks principal soume, addebtit to him be the persones following, to be payit termelie at Whitsunday and Martimas yeirlie, for the said Maister and poore anes enterteanament in meat, drink, cleathing, and learnding, in
manner abovewritten. Which principal soume of iivelfi (deleted) twentie thousand five hundred (deleted) merks, with sua mekle mair as followis, is justly addebtet and awand to the said George be the persones underwritten, and their cautionaris, viz'., be ane noble earle, John, Earle of Wigtown, Lord Fleming and Cumbernauld, &c, as principal, be twa
bandis, the' ane conteanding Five thousand merks, and the uther Four thousand merks, and anuelrent thairof, q" repayment of the samyne ; the cautionaris conteint in the Fyfe Thousand mark Band are John, Lord Fleming, John Gartschoir of that ilk, and John Kynkayid of Auchinreoth; and the cautionaris conteint in the Four thousand merk Band are James Stark, Fiar of Auchinvol, Patrick Fleming in Carbrayne, the said John Gartshoir of that ilk, Patrick Fleming in Balloich, and William Stark of Athenstairie; for the quhilk principal soume thair will be awand to the said George, of anuelrent at Witsonday (deleted) Martemas in this instant year of God, J m vj c threttie nine years, seven hundred and twentie merkis for ane years annualrent thereof..."

from National Library of Scotland website

In 1656 the baptismal register of Kilsyth parish Stirlingshire records the baptism of Alexander Steine, son to "Jon Steine in Lenzie":
"STEINE ALEXANDER JOHN STEINE/ M 27/04/1656 483/10 248 Kilsyth"
In the text of the record it says that a "testimoniall" was provided by "Jon Gartschoir ane elder", and that Patrick Gartschoir and Alexander Gartschoir witnessed the baptism. 1 3 4 5 6 7

John married Jean MUIRHEAD, daughter of James MUIRHEAD younger, 8th of Lauchope and Elizabeth HOUSTON heiress of Craigtoun.1 (Jean MUIRHEAD was born about 1610 and died on 1 September 1673 in Lenzie parish, Dunbartonshire, Scotland 8.)

  Marriage Notes:

161 16 May 1623. Sasine of that part of the 5 pound land of Gartshore called the towns and lands of Easter Gartshore, the lands of Drimgrew and Craufords given by Baillie to Jean Muirhead wife of a venerable man, John Gartshore Of That Ilk. It is signed 16 May 1623. during the life of Barbera Stark mother of John Gartshore. Jean is mentioned as to the Mains of Gartshore. Same witnesses as above. Reg.28th June 1623 Fol.60 Book 1."

from Geocities web archive 1


1 Internet Site, http://web.archive.org/web/20091020103614/http://geocities.com/Heartland/Pines/3474/d0004/g0000038.html.

2 Internet Site, http://www.reocities.com/Heartland/Pines/3474/d0003/g0000039.html#I3587.

3 Internet Site, https://www.kempfamilyhistory.com.

4 Internet Site, https://digital.nls.uk/histories-of-scottish-families/archive/95420643 History of the hospital and school in Glasgow founded by George and Thomas Hutcheson of Lambhill Ad 1639-41.

5 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Kilsyth parish Stirlingshire Baptisms 1656.

6 e-books, The Literary History of Galloway by Thomas Murray.

7 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Births and Baptisms.

8 Internet Site, https://www.kempfamilyhistory.com From Gartshore of Gartshore testaments recorded in Glasgow Commissariot.

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