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GORDON, William of Sockach (Succoth)
(About 1615-)
GORDON, Elspet
(About 1630-)
GORDON, William in Drumbulg, Gartly
(About 1658-)
DELGARNO, Margaret
(About 1670-)
GORDON, Theodore Minister of Kennethmont and Rathmureal, Reverend Mr


Family Links

1. GORDON, Anne

2. FORBES, Barbara

GORDON, Theodore Minister of Kennethmont and Rathmureal, Reverend Mr 1 2

  • Baptised: 20 December 1702, Forgue parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland 3
  • Marriage (1): GORDON, Anne on 10 August 1736 1
  • Marriage (2): FORBES, Barbara on 4 August 1753 1
  • Died: 29 August 1779, Kinnethmont parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland 2 4

   Another name for Theodore was GORDON, Theodor.3

  General Notes:

Old Parish Register
Forgue Parish Aberdeenshire

(This record is faint & partly destroyed)

"1702 Decr 20
(..)am Gordon of Drumbuilg had a Child Baptised
(...)odor Witnesses The Laird of Bognie(?) & Theodor

(at Cabrach in 1731)

"THEODORE GORDON, M.A.; called 4th Nov. 1730; ord. 17th Feb. 1731; trans, to Kennethmont 20th June 1739."

(at Kennethmont in 1739)
"THEODORE GORDON, born 1701, son of William Gordon, Drumbulg, Gartly; educated at King's College, Aberdeen; MA. (29th March 1722); schoolmaster of Cairney, 1724-8; licen. by Presb. of Strathbogie 6th Nov. 1728; employed as
itinerant preacher in parish of Cairney; ord. to Cabrach 17th Feb. 1731 ; expressed his sorrow to the Presb., 10th Nov. 1736, for having gone to see a rope dance at the Brickhills of Old Aberdeen; pres. by George Gordon, Professor of Oriental
Languages in King's College, April 1738; trans, and adm. 20th June 1739; elected clerk of Synod 7th April 1752, which office he resigned 13th April 1773; died 29th Aug. 1779. He marr. (1) 10th Aug. 1736, Anne (died 1742, aged 34), daugh. of
Professor George Gordon before mentioned, and had issue George William Algernon, min. of Keith, born 1737; Forbes, born 12th April 1739, Margaret Ann, born 8th Aug. 1740 ; Katherine, born 15th April 1742: (2) 4th Aug. 1753, Barbara (died 30th Dec. 1767), daugh. of Archibald Forbes of Putachie, and widow of William Badenoch, min. of Alford, and had issue - Elizabeth (marr. Thomas Wilson, min. of Gamrie). [Scot. Notes and Queries, new ser., ii., 19.]"

from Fasti Ecclesiae

"Rev. Theodore Gordon was the son of William Gordon, Drumbulg, and married Anne Gordon, youngest daughter of Professor George Gordon, professor of Hebrew, King's College, Aberdeen, a member of Kethocksmill family. Theodore Gordon died in 1779. A copy of his work (made by the late Dr. Burnett) is in the Lyon Office, Edinburgh. There is also a copy of the MS. somewhere in Aberdeen, where it was copied by the late Rev. William Gordon, superior of the Brompton Oratory. He could not remember, however, who lent him the MS. In Gordon Castle there is a small quarto volume containing (1) a copy of the Ferrerius MS. extending to thirty-one pages; (2) a copy of the Straloch MS. extending to 160 pages; and (3) continuatio historiae ac series rerum illustrissimae familiae Gordoniorum, extending to forty-three pages and dealing only with the Huntly family to 1760. There are several marginal notes on (1) and (2), and at the end of (1) there
is this note: Quae etiam ego transcripsi anno 1763 ac stricturas quasdam in margine adjeci. T. G. The volume is not in the handwriting of Professor Thomas Gordon, who was the brother-in-law of Theodore..."

in Appendix III Gordons at Scottish Universities: University and King's College Aberdeen:
"1718. Theodore, s. of William G. of Drumbuilg ; M.A. 1722. Sch. [Mortlach], Cairnie; min. Cabrach, Kennethmont."

from House of Gordon

"Rev. Theodore Gordon was ordained on 17th February, 1731. He was the son of William Gordon, in Drumbulg, Gartly (not of Professor George Gordon as inadvertently stated by Dr Scott and other writers), and graduated M.A. at King's College on 29th March, 1772. For some time he acted as schoolmaster of Cairnie. He married "Ann Gordon, eldest daughter of Mr George Gordon, Professor of Oriental Languages, King's College." (Tablet at Kennethmont.) They had a son, George William Algernon Gordon, who became minister of Tullynessle, and subsequently Keith. (See Tullynessle.) Mr Gordon expressed his sorrow to the Presbytery on 10th November, 1736, for having "given offence by going to see a rope-dancing at the Brick Hills of Old Aberdeen." He was translated to Kennethmont in 1738, where he died 29th August, 1779. His grandson, Theodore Gordon of Overhall, erected a tablet bearing a highly complementary inscription to his memory."

from Three Stones website, Cabrach or Strathdovern

Note: "graduated M.A. at King's College on 29th March, 1772" clerical error, probably should read 1722. 1 2 3 4

  Research Notes:

Some notes from House of Gordon relating to Theodore Gordon:

'Theodore Gordon's MSS.
A Genealogy of the name of Gordon "with the branches and cadets thereof agreeable to the preceding histories of Straloch and Ferrerius, and likewise to ane old MS. written by John Gordon son to George Gordon of Proney, and several other unexceptionable authorities". By Theodore Gordon, minister of Kennethmont.

Rev. Theodore Gordon was the son of William Gordon, Drumbulg, and married Anne Gordon, youngest daughter of Professor George Gordon, professor of Hebrew, King's College, Aberdeen, a member of Kethocksmill family. Theodore Gordon died in 1779. A copy of his work (made by the late Dr. Burnett) is in the Lyon Office, Edinburgh. There is also a copy of the MS. somewhere in Aberdeen, where it was copied by the late Rev. William Gordon, superior of the Brompton Oratory. He could not remember, however, who lent him the MS. In Gordon Castle there is a small quarto volume containing(1)a copy of the Ferrerius MS. extending to 31 pages;(2)a copy of the Straloch MS. extending to 160 pages and (3) continuatio historiae ac series rerum illustrissimae familiae Gordoniorum, extending to 43 pages and dealing only with the Huntly family to 1760. There are several marginal notes on (1) and (2), and at the end of (1) there is this note : Quae etiam ego transcripsi anno 1763 ac stricturas quasdam in margine adjeci. T. G. The volume is not in the handwriting of Professor Thomas Gordon, who was the brother-in-law of Theodore, but there is inserted at the beginning of the volume the following :
" Accot Profr Gordon To James Dalgarno Dr
To copying 31 sheets at 2d per sheet £0 5 2
To 2 Quires of 8d paper £0 1 4
£0 6 6
OLD ABERDN, 19 Sept., 1751.
Received payment of the above Accot and the same's hereby discharged by JAS. DALGARNO.''

From letters in the possession of the late Mr. C. Elphinstone-Dalrymple, it appears that Professor Gordon got the above copy made for Rev. Theodore Gordon. In Gordon Castle there is another MS. copy (24 pp. folio) of (3) Continuatio, etc., with this inscription :
" Presented to His Grace the Duke of Gordon by John Gordon of Craig, 1781 ".'


Theodore married Anne GORDON, daughter of George GORDON Professor of Hebrew, King's College Aberdeen and Margaret FRASER, on 10 August 1736.1 (Anne GORDON was baptised on 10 July 1707 in Old Machar parish, Aberdeen, Scotland 5 and died in 1742 1.)

  Marriage Notes:

"He (Rev Theodore Gordon) married 'Ann Gordon, eldest daughter of Mr George Gordon, Professor of Oriental Languages, King's College.' (Tablet at Kennethmont.)" 2

Theodore next married Barbara FORBES, daughter of Archibald FORBES of Putachie and Margaret FORBES 'of Leslie', on 4 August 1753.1 (Barbara FORBES was born about 1715 and died on 30 December 1767 1.)


1 e-books, Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae by Hew Scott.

2 Internet Site, https://www.threestones.co.uk/books/epitaphs/cabrach.html.

3 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Forgue Parish, Aberdeenshire Baptisms.

4 e-books, The House of Gordon ed. John Malcolm Bulloch.

5 LDS Family Search, IGI.

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