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FRASER, Alexander 4th of Philorth
(About 1435-)
HAY, Margaret
(About 1450-)
KEITH, Gilbert 3rd of Inverugie, then of Ludquharn, Sir
(About 1420-1495)
(About 1437-)
FRASER, William 6th of Philorth, Sir
KEITH, Elizabeth
(About 1473-)
FRASER, Alexander 7th of Philorth
(About 1494-About 1569)


Family Links

1. BARCLAY, Catharine

2. MENZIES, Katherine

FRASER, Alexander 7th of Philorth 1 2

  • Born: About 1494 1
  • Marriage (1): BARCLAY, Catharine about 1516 1
  • Marriage (2): MENZIES, Katherine before July 1532 1
  • Died: About 8 November 1569 1

   User ID: W444.

Alexander married Catharine BARCLAY, daughter of Patrick BARCLAY 17th of Gartly and Elizabeth ARBUTHNOTT, about 1516.1 (Catharine BARCLAY was born about 1494.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Alexander Fraser died on or soon after 8 November 1569, at the age of seventy. He married, first, about the year 1516 (Sheriff Court Records, Aberdeen, i. 321.), Catharine, daughter of Patrick Barclay of Gartly; secondly, before July 1532, Catherine, daughter of Gilbert Menzies of Findoun, Provost of Aberdeen, relict of Alexander Straton of that Ilk."

from Scots Peerage (vol 7)

".....(Elizabeth Keith, Countess of Huntly) and umquhill Beatrix Keyth mother to the said Alexr persewar war sisteris germane and sua secund and third in consanguinity lyik as the said George Gordoun our Shref deputis and the said Alexr persewar ar thirds and feirds in affinitie viz umquhill Cathrene Barclay guddame to this laird of Phillorthe on the fathers syid was lauchtfull sister to umquhill George Barclay sumtyme young laird of Gartlie ... Geven under our Signet at Edinburgh the xxij day of Julij and of our regne the xvij yeir 1584 yeirs"

from Sheriff Court Records, Aberdeen (i. 320 and 321)


The Scots word 'guddame' is 'grandmother'.

"Crawfurd, upon the authority of a MS. account of the family no longer extant, but written, according to him, by Thomas Fraser, a great-grandson of this Laird of Philorth, says that Katherine Barclay of Gairntully was his wife, and the mother of his children (Lives of Officers of State, p. 282.); and the author of Douglas' Peerage has followed Crawfurd as to this, but adds that Katherine Menzies was his second wife, though he had no issue by her.(Douglas Peerage, vol. ii. p. 474.) Thomas Fraser ought to have known the name of his great-grandmother ; but still, as Katherine Barclay's name never appears in any document connected with Alexander Fraser, seventh of Philorth, while Katherine Menzies will be seen to have been the first on the list of executors in his will of date 1532, and to have been his wife in 1556, there is reason to believe that in this statement Thomas was in error, and that Katherine Menzies was the only wife of this Alexander Fraser."

from Frasers of Philorth


The above quote is included here for interest. The Aberdeen Sheriff Court reference sugests she was the mother of Alexander Fraser, at least.<
1 2 3 4

Alexander next married Katherine MENZIES, daughter of Gilbert MENZIES of Findon, 'Banison Gib', Provost of Aberdeen and Marjory CHALMERS, before July 1532.1 (Katherine MENZIES was born about 1501.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Alexander Fraser died on or soon after 8 November 1569, at the age of seventy. He married, first, about the year 1516 (Sheriff Court Records, Aberdeen, i. 321.), Catharine, daughter of Patrick Barclay of Gartly; secondly, before July 1532, Catherine, daughter of Gilbert Menzies of Findoun, Provost of Aberdeen, relict of Alexander Straton of that Ilk."

from Scots Peerage (vol 7) 1


1 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 7 (1910).

2 e-books, The Frasers of Philorth vol.1 by Alexander Fraser (1879).

3 e-books, Records of the Sheriff Court of Aberdeenshire vol. 1 prior to 1600 ed. David Littlejohn (1904).

4 Internet Site, https://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/gude_dame.

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