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STRACHAN, Alexander younger of Thornton
(About 1536-1601)
KEITH, Isabel
(About 1546-1595)
DOUGLAS, William 9th Earl of Angus, Sir
(About 1527-1591)
(About 1535-)
STRACHAN, Robert heir apparent of Thornton
(About 1561-1597)
(About 1568-)
STRACHAN, Alexander 1st Baronet of Thornton, Sir
(About 1587-)


Family Links

1. LINDSAY, Margaret

2. OGILVY, Margaret

STRACHAN, Alexander 1st Baronet of Thornton, Sir 1

  • Born: About 1587
  • Marriage (1): LINDSAY, Margaret 19 January 1605(contract) 1
  • Marriage (2): OGILVY, Margaret by 1624 2

   User ID: F624.

  General Notes:

"...Sir Alexander Strachan, of Thornton, bart., of Kincardineshire, was created and raised to the dignity of Baronet by King Charles I. on the 28 May 1625, by royal patent of that date."

from Burke's Peerage

Alexander was in his minority when he succeeded his grandfather.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Laird: Thornton, 1648-1601, Kincardineshire, Scotland. 3

Alexander married Margaret LINDSAY, daughter of John LINDSAY Lord Menmuir and Marion GUTHRIE, 19 January 1605(contract).1 (Margaret LINDSAY was born about 1585.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Margaret, married (contract dated 19 January 1605) to Sir Alexander Strachan of Thornton."

from Scots Peerage (vol 1) 1

Alexander next married Margaret OGILVY, daughter of James OGILVY 5th Lord Ogilvy of Airlie and Jean FORBES, by 1624.2 (Margaret OGILVY was born about 1585.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Margaret, married .... secondly, before 1626, to Alexander Strachan of Thornton. In 1624 she with her own son Keith of Benholm, was accused of removing ' goods, silver workr and tapestry ' belonging to her stepson the Earl Marischal. King James wrote, 22 August 1624, instructing the Council to show her no favour. She and her husband obtained a remission 13 January 1625."

from Scots Peerage (vol 1)

"Sir Alexander married, secondly, Margaret, widow of George, fifth (fourth, on this website) Earl Marischal, and daughter of James, sixth Lord Ogilvie (Privy Seal Register, vol. cvi., fol. 397, and Withie's Pedigrees). In the Justiciary Pecords, under the year 1624, are set forth certain proceedings connected with a criminal charge preferred against Sir Alexander Strachan of Thornton, and Dr Robert Strachan, for the forcible seizure of articles of jewellery and silver plate, 'at the place of Benholme,' belonging to the late George, Earl Marischal." (page 43)

" 'A warrand from the counsall was presented to the justice, for continewing the dyet to the 2 July next to come, warrand dated Edr 2 Mar. 1624. The warrand states that the lords of Secrit Counsall, for some special considerations moving them, ordains to continue the action appointed to Dame Margaret Ogilvie, Countess of Merschell, Sir Alexr. Strauchane of Thornetoun, hir spous, and vtheris persones specifeit in the criminal letteris, taking new caution for their compearance. Sir George Affleck of Balmanno, knight, becomes security for the Countess, Sir Alexander Strauchane, and Mr Rot. Strauchane, doctour in phisick.'" (page 44)

from Memorials of Strachan and Wise (1877) 1 2


1 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 1 (1904).

2 e-books, Memorials of the Scottish Families of Strachan and Wise by Charles Rogers (1877).

3 Strachan, James Andrew, FSA Scot., A History of Clan Strachan.

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