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DOUGLAS, George 4th Earl of Angus, 'Red Douglas'
(About 1420-1463)
SIBBALD, Isabella
(About 1432-1502)
BOYD, Robert Lord Boyd, Lord Chamberlain
(About 1425-1480/1482)
MAXWELL, Mariota
(About 1430-1473)
DOUGLAS, Archibald 5th Earl of Angus, 'Bell the Cat'
(About 1449-About 1513)
BOYD, Elizabeth
(About 1451-Before 1498)
DOUGLAS, William of Braidwood, then of Glenbervie, jure uxoris, Sir
(About 1471-1513)


Family Links

1. AUCHINLECK, Elizabeth heiress of Glenbervie

DOUGLAS, William of Braidwood, then of Glenbervie, jure uxoris, Sir 1 3

  • Born: About 1471
  • Marriage (1): AUCHINLECK, Elizabeth heiress of Glenbervie in 1501 1 2
  • Died: 9 September 1513, Battle of Flodden Field, Northumberland, England

William married Elizabeth AUCHINLECK heiress of Glenbervie, daughter of James AUCHINLECK of that Ilk and of Glenbervie and Giles ROSS, in 1501.1 2 (Elizabeth AUCHINLECK heiress of Glenbervie was born about 1482.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Sir William Douglas of Glenbervie. The date of his birth is not known, but in 1492 he received a grant of the ward of the lands of the deceased James Auchinleck, late son and heir of Sir John Auchinleck of that Ilk, including the marriage of Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of James. In 1493 he had a charter of the lands of Grenane in Ayrshire, and again in 1509. In 1510 he received the lands of Braidwood in Lanarkshire. Sir William Douglas, who was knighted before 1511, was killed at Flodden. He married in 1501 Elizabeth Auchinleck, through whom he obtained the lands of Glenbervie. She survived him and took the veil in the convent of St. John near the Boroughmuir or common moor of Edinburgh. They had issue one son : Archibald Douglas of Glenbervie."

from Scots Peerage (vol 1)

"Sir John's grand-daughter Elizabeth married William Douglas, second son of Archibald, fifth Earl of Angus, and became ancestress of the Douglases of Glenbervie, Earls of Angus."

from Family of Wemyss

"131. Gift by King James the Fourth to William Douglas, son of Archibald, fifth Earl of Angus, of the ward and marriage of Elizabeth Auchinlek. 29th September 1492.

'James, be the grace of God King of Scottis, to all and sindri oure liegis and subditis quham it efferis, quhais knaulage thir oure lettres salcum, greting : Wit yhe ws to haue gevin and grantit, and be thir oure lettres gevis and grantis to oure louit cousing, Williame Dowglas, sonne to oure traist and welebelouit cousing and conselloure, Archibald erle of Angus, the warde of all and sindry the landis, rentis, and possessiouns, being in oure handis be ressoun of warde, be the deceis of James Auchinlek, vmquhile sonne and air to Johnne Auchinlek of that Ilk, knycht, quharesumeuer thai be within oure realrue, for all the tyme of the warde thareof, togiddir with the mariage of Elizabetht Auchinlek, the dochter and air of vmquhile the said James, and ayr to the said Johnne ; and falezeand that the said Williame deceisis, or disassentis to mary the said Elizabetht, we geif and grantis, be thir oure lettres, the mariage of the said Elizabetht to oure said cousing and consellour, Archibald erle of Angus, and his assignais ane or maa ; and falezeand that the said Elizabetht deceis vnmarijt, the mariage of the air or airis, sonnis or dochteris, that sail happin to succeid to the said vmquhile James Auchinlek and Johnne Auchinlekis heretage quhatsumeuir : to be haldin and to be had, the saidis warde and mariage, to the saidis Williame and Archibald in all thingis, like as is abone writtin, with all commoditeis, fredomes, proffictis, esementis and richtwis pertinence quhatsumeuer pertenyng or richtwisly may pertene to the said warde and mariage, and frely to dispone therapoun to thare vtilite and jiroffict, as thai think maist expedient, but ony impediment, obstakle, or aganecalling quhatsumeuir : Quharefore we charge stratelie, and commandis zow, all and sindri oure liegis and subditis foresaidis, that ze, and ilkane of zow, reddily intend, ansuer and obey to our said cousingis Williame Dowglas and Archibald erle of Angus, and his assignais, ane or maa, in all and sindry thingis concernyng the said warde and mariagez, and the proffictis thareof, vnder all the hiest pane, charge and offence that ze, and ilkane of zow, may committ and inrin agane oure Maieste in that parte. Gevin vnder oure Priue Sele, at Cowper, the penult day of September, the zere of God Im iiii c lxxxxij zeris, and of oure regime the fyfte zere." James E.' "

from The Douglas Book 1 2 4


1 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 1 (1904).

2 e-books, The Douglas Book vol. 3 by William Fraser (1885) #131.

3 e-books, History of Glenbervie by G.B. Kinnear (1895).

4 e-books, Memorials of the Family of Wemyss of Wemyss vol.1 by William Fraser (1888).

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