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STRACHAN, William 6th of Glenkindie
(About 1525-Between 1609/1609)
(About 1534-)
FORBES, Duncan of Monymusk
(About 1517-)
GRAY, Agnes
(About 1525-)
STRACHAN, Alexander fiar of Glenkindie
(About 1555-Before 1609)
FORBES, Elspet
(About 1565-)
STRACHAN, Patrick of Kinaldie
(About 1597-)


Family Links

1. ROSS, Barbara

STRACHAN, Patrick of Kinaldie

  • Born: About 1597
  • Marriage (1): ROSS, Barbara 1

   Other names for Patrick were STRACHAN, Patrick of Kinnadie,2 3 STRACHAN, Patrik in Robslaw,2 STRACHAN, Patrik,4 STRACHANE, Patrik,2 4 STRAQUHAN, Pat,2 4 STRAQUHAN, Patrick,4 STRAQUHAN, Patrik,2 STRAQUHAN, Peter,4 STRATHAUCHIN, Patrick of Kynnadie 5 and STRATHAUCHINE, Patrick of Kinadie.6

   User ID: X236.

  General Notes:

"On 7th and 8th January, 1608, Irvine of Drum and Gordon of Abergeldie signed a Bond of Caution of 2000 marks, and Irvine's brother for 1000 marks, not to harm Arthour, Lord Forbes, and other Forbeses, and also William Strachan of Glenkindie, Alexander Strachan, fiar of Glenkindie, and Alexander and Patrick, his sons, and Forbes of Towie."

from Strachans of Glenkindie

"Mr. James Strauchane, minister of Coldstone, declared that there was due to him :-

By David Barclay of Matheris . . 2000 merkis

Robert Paul, burges of Aberdeen . 600 "

Patrik Strauchane of Kinnadie . 500 "

William Forbes of Pittelachie 100 "

George Gordon of Tullachowdie 200 "

Mr. John Reid, minister of Tarlan 200 "

James Gordon of Auchmull . 200 "

Mr. Johne Strauchane, minister of Midmar 100 " "

from History of Logie-Coldstone

"On the 17th July 1627, Patrick Strachan of Kynnadie obtained a remission 'for any hurt he had caused to John Fraser in Elrick in revenge for the said John and his servant, John Fordice, and their accomplices having attacked the said Patrick on a Sabbath day while he was at public worship, in May 1625, by coming behind him with huge cudgels, striking him on the head therewith, and wounding him on various parts of the body to the effusion of blood, and would have deprived him of life but for the interference of the people then assembled' (Paper Reg. of the Great Seal, vol. ii., foL 209).

On the 13th August 1651, Patrick Strachan 'of Kynnadie' granted a discharge to Alexander Urquhart of Dunlagis for 300 merks ; Alexander Strachan, younger of Glenkindie, is one of the witnesses (Reg. of Deeds, vol. 578, fol. 21)."

from Memorials of Strachan and Wise (1877)

"Patrick Strachan of Kinaldie at this same time was plundered and tane captive, syne had to Kelly, because he would not pay the said Sir John Gordon a fine; but frae Kelly he was transported to Towie, where he fairly wan away...

....Ye heard before how Haddo had plundered and taken Patrick Strachan, a discreet gentleman, and warded him in Kellie. Fifteen days thereafter he sent him to the place of Towie Barclay, which was taken in by the marquis of Huntly, and Hugh Gordon made captain over 16 soldiers appointed to be keepers thereof; but this Patrick Strachan made quiet friendship amongst the soldiers, took the captain, and kept the house manfully while the army came, and syne came bravely out, and gat his horse and arms again, whilk Haddo had plundered from him...."

from History of the Troubles

"Likewise you, the said Sir John Gordon, immediately took the said Walter Grant and detained him prisoner and sent him as prisoner with four gentlemen to the said marquis of Huntly. Likewise also you and your accomplices upon the [...] day of the said months of March, April or May, or one or other of them, did take, apprehend, keep and detained Patrick Strachan, brother to Alexander Strachan of Glenkindie, as your prisoner partly in the house of Towie and partly in the house of Kellie by the space of 15 days and above. By doing whereof you have not only usurped the king's majesty's authority in taking, apprehending and detaining them by the space aforesaid, but also you have committed (you being a landed gentleman) the odious crime of theft and robbery by your stealing and taking away the arms and goods above-specified pertaining to the said [...] Barclay of Towie, being in his possession within the said house the time above-mentioned."

from Parliamentary Register

"Donald Farquharson, now returned from England, if ever he went there, also joined Montrose with the marquis's consent, and brought in a large body of men from Braemar and the Aboyne estates. They were mostly idle fellows that the country could easily spare. Montrose, now the leader of the royal army, took up his camp at Aberdeen, swept the county of the Covenanters, who went south for protection, and grievously ravaged their belongings. Parties of troops were sent out to burn and plunder, and som on their lands. Patrick Strachan, tenant of Kinaldie, a relative of the Laird of Glenkindie and of the minister of Coldstone, was fined heavily for being a Covenanter; and, because he would not, or could not, pay the fine, his goods were plundered and he himself taken prisoner. It was Sir John Gordon of Kelly (Haddo House) who had command of the party sent into Croipar. Sir John, an ancestor of the Earls of Aberdeen, carried poor Strachan prisoner to Haddo House, and from that he transported him to Towie Barclay, 'where he fairly wan away'. Spalding calls Patrick Strachan 'a discreet gentleman,'' and gives this account of his escape : 'This Patrick Strachan (tenant of Kinaldie, in Coldstone) made quiet friendship amongst the soldiers, took the captain(prisoner), and kept I the house (Towie Barclay) manfully till the army came ; and syne came bravely out, and gat his horse and arms again, which Haddo had plundered from him'.

This was a bright exploit on the part of Kinaldie."

from Logie-Coldstone 7 8 9 10

  Research Notes:


The Strachans of Glenkindie states that Kinaldie, or Kinnadie, adjoins Annachie, in Buchan, and that its title deeds could not be found, nor the date of its acquisition. It was in Strachan possession for at least two generations.

It has a variety of spellings.

On 9 September 1634, the designation is applied in
"Decree. Forthcoming" to Patrick Strachan:
"Patrick Strathauchine of Kinadie, donator to the liferent escheit of Janet Keyth, 'guidwyff' of Touxhill, who was liferentrix of Clofrikfuird, and Alexr. Straquhan of Glenkindie, heritable proprietor thereof v. George Cantlay in Clofrikfuird."

from Records of the Sheriff Court of Aberdeenshire


"Full Definition of LIFERENT ESCHEAT: the forfeiture under Scots law to the superior of the annual profits from property held by liferent during the life or duration of the outlawry (as for debt) of the liferenter"

from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary 11 12

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Bond of Caution: by Irvine of Drum and Gordon of Abergeldie, 7-8 January 1608. 5

2. Appointed as commissioners: with brother the Laird, 1622, Scotland. 5

3. Obtained a remission: for hurt caused to John Fraser in Elrick, 17 July 1627. 3

4. Goods plundered in Buchan, himself imprisoned, April 1644.

5. Took part in gathering of Covenanter lairds, September 1644, Aberdeen, Scotland.

6. Granted a discharge: for 300 merks to Alexander Urquhart of Dunlagis, 13 August 1651. 3

Patrick married Barbara ROSS, daughter of John ROSS and Unknown.1 (Barbara ROSS was born about 1621.)

  Marriage Notes:

"In a MS. account of the Rosses of Auchlossan, Patrick Strachan of Kinaldie is stated to have married Barbara Ross, daughter of John Ross, and granddaughter of Nicol Ross of Auchlossan."

from The Strachans of Glenkindie 1


1 James Allardyce, The Strachans of Glenkindie 1357-1726 (1899), page 17.

2 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Old Machar parish Aberdeen Baptisms.

3 e-books, Memorials of the Families of Strachan and Wise by Charles Rogers (1873).

4 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Births and Baptisms.

5 James Allardyce, The Strachans of Glenkindie 1357-1726 (1899).

6 e-books, Records of the Sheriff Court of Aberdeenshire vol.2 ed. David Littlejohn (1906) page 380.

7 Internet Site, www.rps.ac.uk/search.php?action. Charles I: Translation 1644, 4 June, Edinburgh, Parliament, Parliamentary Register, 16 July 1644, Judicial Proceeding: decreet of forfeiture against Sir John Gordon of Haddo and John Logie.

8 e-books, The History of the Troubles 1624-1645 by John Spalding (1792).

9 e-books, The Thanage of Fermartyn by William Temple (1894).

10 e-books, Memorials of the Scottish Families of Strachan and Wise by Charles Rogers (1877).

11 Internet Site, http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/.

12 e-books, Records of the Sheriff Court of Aberdeenshire ed. David Littlejohn (1904-7).

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