FRASER, Magdalen 1
User ID: G545. Magdalen married Hugh ROSE 12th of Kilravock, son of William ROSE 11th of Kilravock and Lilias HAY, in June 1603.1 (Hugh ROSE 12th of Kilravock was born about 1578 1 and died on 10 June 1643 1.). The cause of his death was dropsy. Marriage Notes: "The last above named Wiliam Rose of Kilravock (11th laird) dying, as said is, Aprile 8, 1611, was succeeded by his eldest son, Hugh, nynth of that name, and twelfth person succeeding in the familie. This Hugh was infeft in the baronie of Kilravock, (comprehending Geddes and Culmores by annexation,) upon the 11th day of October 1611, being the 44th year of the reigne of King James 6th over Scotland. He was maried in June 1603, (his father liveing,) to Magdalen Fraser, daughter to Thomas Fraser of Strechin, Tutor of Lovat, and Forbes, a daughter of the familie of Tolqhon." |
1 e-books, A Genealogical Deduction of the Family of Rose of Kilravock by Hew Rose and Lachlan Shaw (1848).
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