McNAIRN, Robert
General Notes:
Robert McNairn was aged 7 years when the 1851 census for old Monkland was taken, where he lived with his family.
In the 1855 birth certificate of his daughter Susan, Robert McNearn, Susan's father, stated that he and his wife had married in Airdrie in 1844. They had six children, two boys and two girls living, and two girls deceased, as well as one boy before marriage and one girl before marriage.
A John McNearn who was 'brother' of the child Michael McNearn was the informant of his birth before Andrew Baird at Coatdyke on 12 August 1857. The certificate also recorded him as having been 'present' in the house where the child was born. If John was born shortly after his parents married he would have been about 12 years old. 1