GRANT, John of Kinchirdie, JP, Dep-Lieut 3rd Dist Invernessshire, Captain 1
- Born: About 1734
- Marriage (1): GRANT, Ann 1
User ID: A780.
John married Ann GRANT, daughter of Robert GRANT of Lurg, 'Old Stachan' and Unknown.1 (Ann GRANT was born about 1735.)
Marriage Notes:
"Captain John Grant of Kinchirdie, brother-german of Mr. Robert Grant of Kinchirdie, who, on 28th December 1759, obtained from Sir Ludovick Grant of Grant, a precept of clare constat for infeftment in the lands held by his brother. On 26th September 1770, he disponed Kinchirdie to Alexander Innes of Breda, by whom it was redisponed to Sir James Grant of Grant. From this Laird of Grant he received, in 1773 and 1774, dispositions of the lands of Bolladern and Lethindy, but he renounced these lands in 1780. He was a Commissioner for the county of Elgin and Forres in 1774, but is stated in 1786 to be 'denuded as a freeholder' in Elgin. In 1797 he was deputy-lieutenant for the third district of Inverness-shire. He is stated to have qualified in 1817 for the office of J. P. He married Ann, daughter of Robert Grant of Lurg, by whom he is said to have had issue seven sons and seven daughters." (page 505)
"Ann Grant, who married John Grant of Kinchirdie, and had issue." (page 508)
from Chiefs of Grant (vol 1) 1