GRANT, Alexander of Cardells, Captain 1
Another name for Alexander was GRANT, Alexr.2 General Notes: "On 25th December 1676, saiseing was given to Mr. Alexander Grant, second son to Bellandalloch and Elizabeth Gordon, his spouse, of ane yearlie rent of ane hundreth and twentie merks moey to be uplifted furth of the cornemill of Balwenie. He was Sheriff Clerk of Moray, and on 25th August 1685 the Magistrates of Elgin instructed the raising of letters against him for his frequent oppressions of the inhabitants. On 16th April 1686, the Town Council wrote the laird of Grant, complaining of him as tacksman of the Old Mylnes oppressing the maltrnen, brewers and inhabitants of Elgin by "seizing and wiolentlie avay taiking of there malt without order of law." On 16th Junij 1686, sasine was given to Alexander Grant in Oldmilnes, Shirreff Clerk of Murray, and Elizabeth Gordon, his spouse, in lyfrent of the lands of Overdunan in Inveravin. On 16th February 1678, he obtained from Archibald Dunbar of Newton a wadset right over the lands of Achrnades redeemable for 2300 merks. This he disponed to Ludovick Grant of Grant on 11th November 1692. On I5th November 1707, Elizabeth Gordon, spouse of Capt. Alexander Grant of Kirdels, took sasine of all and haill the toune and lands of Achrnades, the toune and lands of Dinniehorn and Coldhome, within the parochine of Boharme. " Alexander married Elizabeth GORDON. (Elizabeth GORDON was born about 1655.) |
1 e-books.
2 LDS Family Search, IGI.
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