GORDON, Charles Jacobite 1745 1 2User ID: X622. General Notes: "2072- Charles. 1745, seized (aged 17) by Glenbucket while going to a fair with his father's cattle, and carried to Banff on a hussar's saddle (Allardyce's Jacobite Papers, 390-2) ; his father (who had been on the side of the Government in 1715 and was imprisoned, 1745, Nov., for protesting against Glenbucket), offered the latter money, but 'Glenbucket said he wanted men not money, and damned him' (ibid., 391). Rosebery's List (p. 28) calls him paymaster in Glenbucket's Reg., but in the Southwark Trials he is called Lt. in Lord Ogilvy's Reg. Dec. 19, captured at Carlisle where he was quartered at the Grapes (Allardyce's Jacobite Papers, 392) ; taken to Southwark Gaol. 1746, Sep. 11, Lord Braco and 23 other gentlemen appealed on his behalf |
1 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 3 Gordons Under Arms by C.O.Skelton and J.M.Bulloch (1912).
2 e-books, Jacobites of 1715 and 1745 North East Scotland by Frances McDonnell (in paper Clearfield 1996).
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