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CUMING, Thomas 'Baron of Altre', Sir
(About 1435-1488)
CUMMING, Alexander of Altyre
(About 1475-1553)
BROWN, Janet 'of Coulston'
(About 1510-)
CUMING, James of Dollesbrauchtie 'in the lordship of Spynie and shire of Nairne'
(About 1543-After 1597)


Family Links

1. ROSE, Marjory

CUMING, James of Dollesbrauchtie 'in the lordship of Spynie and shire of Nairne' 2 3

  • Born: About 1543
  • Marriage (1): ROSE, Marjory 20 November 1563(contract) 1 2
  • Died: After 16 March 1597 2

   Other names for James were CUMING, James of Dollasbrachte,1 CUMING, James in Drwmmind,1 CUMMING, James in Drummind 1 and CUMYN, James.2

   User ID: X975.

  General Notes:

"By this marriage (of Alexander Cumyn and Janet Brown) there appears to have been ..... also a third son, 'James" who is called 'Fader's 'brother to Sir Thomas." (page 461)

from Bruces and Cumyns 1 2

James married Marjory ROSE, daughter of Hugh ROSE 10th of Kilravock, 'The Black Baron' and Catherine FALCONER, 20 November 1563(contract).1 2 (Marjory ROSE was born about 1542 and died after 16 March 1597 2.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Another of his (Hugh Rose's) daughters, named Marjorie, was first contracted, Julie 6, 1560, to James Innes, brother german to Wiliam Innes of that ilk ; but it
deserted, and some things interveening, though she was the eldest daughter, was contracted to James Cuming of Drummynd, November 20, 1563. The tocher was 400 merks." (page 73)

"The unfortunate lady was married to James Cumming in Drummind, whom Shaw calls 'son to the Laird of Altyre.' Their contract follows: -

'At Kilraok the twente day of November in the yeir of God lm ve Ixiij (1563) yeiris, it is apointit and aggreit betwix honorabil personis, Huchon Ros of Kilraok and Margere Ros his doichter on the ane pert, and James Cuming in Drwmmind on the vther pert, in manir, forme and effect as efter followis; that is to say, the said James sail, God villing, mare and hawe to his spowsat vyf the said Margere, and sail compleit with hir the band of matrimone in face of the congregation in all guidle expedition as salbe thocht be freindis; for the quhilk caws the said Huchon Ros of Kilraok sail content and pay to the said James, betwix the dait hereof and the terme or feist of Vitsonday nixtocum, the sowm of fowr hundreth markis vsuall mone of this realme, thairof fowrte powndis in hand at the completing of the said marage, and the rest of the said fowr hundreth markis to be laid vpon land, quhairinto the saidis James and Margere salbe infeft in coniunct feftment, to thaim and the airis to be gottin betwix thaim, quhilkis failyein, to the saidis James airis quhatsumewir, and that the said rest of fowr hundreth markis salbe bestowit to the effect forsaid, at the sicht of Allexander Falkonar of Hakkertown befoir the reset therof be the said James; and gif the saidis Huchon and Allexander can nocht find land to lay the said mone vpon betwix this and Vitsonday nixtocum, the saym salbe consignit in the handis of ane honorabill man the said Allexander Falkonar of Hakkartown, to be furth cuming to the vtilite and profit of the saidis James and Margere. and to ther airis forsaidis, ay and quhill land may be socht owt to bestowe this saym vpon.' " (pages 241-242)

from Family of Rose


Marjory Rose, after being contracted with Innes, was abducted and 'defiled' by William Rose, son of Alexander Rose of the Holme, and that contracted marriage was abandoned. She then was contracted to James Cuming, son of the laird of Altyre.

The following account from Family Records of the Bruces and the Cumyns appears to relate to the same marriage, despite the bride's name being given as 'Marion' and her father being named 'Lachlan' and not Hugh:

" 'I, James Cuming of Dolesbrauchtie, fader-brother (that is, uncle by the father's side) of ane honorable man, Thomas Cuming of Alter, grants me to have resavit fra ane honorable man, Lachlan Ros of Kilravock, the sum of 500 merks, usual money of yis realme, promisit be him to me for the dole and tocher, and solemnisation of matrimony with Marion Ros, his dochter, whilk sowm the said Lachlan Ros has laid upon land, and deliverit to Alexander Urquhart of Burdsyards. I, Elezabet Cuming, his spouse, at the command of the said Thomas Cuming of Alter, &c. &c. At Elgin, 18th July 1565.'

The land thus acquired by James Cuming was Dollesbrauchtie, which, in 1561, had
been given off as a wadset from Altyre with Elizabeth Cuming, on her marriage with Archibald Urquhart, and which is now transferred, by command of Thomas Cuming of Altyre, to James Cuming, for Marion Ros's tocher of 500 merks.
It thus distinctly appears that all the Cumyns who held wadsets from Altyre were
younger branches of that house - most of them the descendants of 'James Cumming,' who styles himself fader-brother, that is, uncle to Thomas Cumming, his chief; that he was his father's half-brother, the youngest son of his grandfather by Joneta Brown, relict of William Urquhart of Burdsyards, may have been the reason for this particular designation.

Archibald Urquhart of Burdsyards was probably the son or grandson of Joneta, married to Elizabeth Cuming of Altyre, who resigned Dollesbrauchtie to James." (page 635)

from Bruces and Comyns

A further document from
A Genealogical Deduction of the Family of Rose of Kilravock confirms that James Cuming, the man who married a Marjory Rose and a 'Marion Ros', carried both designations of 'James Cuming in Drwmmind' and 'James Cuming of Dollesbrauchtie', so that the 'two' daughters of the house of Kilravock were one and the same 'Meriore' being mistaken for 'Merione', and possibly 'Hutchone' mistaken for 'Lachlan' in old script:

"I Meriore Ros spowis to James Cuming of Dollasbrachte, and ane of the lauchfull dochteris of wmquhill Hutchone Ros of Kilrawok, and my said spowis for his entres, be the tenour heirof granttis ws to hawe resewit fre the rycht honorable William Ros now of Kilrawok, ane of the executouris and onlie intromettour with the guidis and geir of the said wmquhill Hutchone Ros of Kilrawok, the number of twelf bollis aitmeill in heill and compleit payment, full contentatione and satisfactioun of my bairnis pairtt of geir pertening to me be disceis of wmquhill Hutchon Ros of Kilrawok. and Kathrene Falconer his wmquhill spowis, my father and mother, and in compleit payment, full contentatione and satisfactione of my said wmquhill father and motheris last letter will and legacie, and of quhatsumewer gwiddis and geir pertening to me their by, or restand awand be the said William Ros of Kilravock my brother, to me and my saidis spowis ................
At Dollasbracbte the saxten day of Merche the yeir of God Im ve fourscoir sewinteen yeiris. (ie 1597)" (page 287)

from Family of Rose 1 2


1 e-books, A Genealogical Deduction of the Family of Rose of Kilravock by Hew Rose and Lachlan Shaw (1848).

2 e-books, Family Records of the Bruces and the Cumyns by M. E. Cumming Bruce (1870).

3 e-books, The Chiefs of Grant vol. 3 by William Fraser (1883).

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