GORDON, Margaret 1 2 3
- Born: About 1605
- Marriage (1): FARQUHARSON, Donald 'Oig' 3rd of Monaltrie, Marquis of Huntly's bailie on Deeside, Colonel by 10 July 1632 (renunciation of wadset) 1 2 3
User ID: B572.
Margaret married Colonel Donald 'Oig' FARQUHARSON 3rd of Monaltrie, Marquis of Huntly's bailie on Deeside, son of Donald FARQUHARSON 2nd of Monaltrie and Beatrice GORDON, by 10 July 1632 (renunciation of wadset).1 2 3 (Colonel Donald 'Oig' FARQUHARSON 3rd of Monaltrie, Marquis of Huntly's bailie on Deeside was born about 1604, died in March 1645 2 and was buried on 17 March 1645 in Drum's Aisle, St Nicholas Church, Aberdeen, Scotland 2.)
Marriage Notes:
" '1632 - July 10. - Registration of Renunciation by Donald Farquharson in Inchmarno and Margaret Gordon, his spouse, of their wadset from William Gordon of Knockespock of the half of Tuilich. Dated at Aberdeen, 30 May 1632 - a witness being Captain John Gordon.' "
from Gordoon of Knockespock
"According to Britane's Distemper, the murder of James Gordon, (son of George Gordon of Rhynie), took place in a labourer's house where he had been temporarily placed. The same authority says that the word at the battle of Auldearn was 'Remember Donald Farquharson [who had married Margaret Gordon, daughter of the sixth laird of Abergeldie] and James Gordon of Rhynie' "
from Newton
"Margaret (Gordon), married Donald Farquharson of Monaltrie (known as Donald Oig). He was an enthusiastic anti-Covenanter and frequently figures in Spalding and in Brltane's Distemper. On March 15, 1645, he was slain 'anent the court de guard - a brave gentilman, and ane of the noblest capitans amongis all the hielanders of Scotland'. Next morning his body was found in the 'calsey stript naikit, for they had tirrit from of his bodie ane ritche stand of apparrell bot put on the samen day. His corpis ar taken wp the wynd, and put in ane cloiss kist and had wp to the Cheppelhill, thair to ly on the Castelhill.' On the following day, Sunday (March 17), 'Donald wes buriet in the Laird [of] Drumis lyll, with mony wo hairtis and dulefull schottis' (Spalding's Troubles, II., 455-7). Britane's Distemper gives Farquharson a fine character. He was 'beloued of all sortes of people ... he gaue proofe of alse much true curraige as any man could hawe. . . . There was no man more humble, no man, saue a prodigal, that cared lesse for to morrow. . . . He was upon a sixe monthes stay at court, so become so weell lyked of, and in so good grace with, his soueraine lord, as he euer after called him his man. ... In fine, nether is my judgment nor my experience able to give a true charectore to the lyfe of this gentleman's singular and most commendable parts.' "
from Abergeldie 1 2 3