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(About 1513-1553/1550)
GRANT, Agnes
(About 1510-)
GORDON, Alexander of Strathavon, and of Cluny
(About 1496-1568)
GRANT, Daughter
(About 1514-)
CUMMING, Thomas of Altyre
(About 1531-1609)
GORDON, Margaret
(About 1541-)
CUMMING, Alexander younger, of Altyre
(About 1570-Before 1601)


Family Links

1. GRANT, Elizabeth

CUMMING, Alexander younger, of Altyre 2 3

  • Born: About 1570 1
  • Marriage (1): GRANT, Elizabeth 27 April 1594(contract) 1 2
  • Died: Before 1601 3

   User ID: X868.

  General Notes:

"Nov. 1 1586
Alexander, eldest son and apparent heir of Thomas Cumyn of Altyr, got a charter under the Great Seal of 'Terrarum de Tulliduvie' (Relugas) 'cum Molendino' upon his father's resignation."

Oct. 3 1594
Alexander was captain of a troop of horse at the battle of Glenlivat, where he joined his cousin Huntly, and greatly
distinguished himself, Huntly's horse defeating the Earl of Argyle's army of the king's troops of 10,000 men."

from Bruces and Cumyns 3

Alexander married Elizabeth GRANT, daughter of Duncan GRANT younger of Freuchie and Margaret MACINTOSH, 27 April 1594(contract).1 2 (Elizabeth GRANT was born about 1572.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Elizabeth, married, contract dated 27th April 1594, Alexander Cumming, younger of

from Chiefs of Grant (vol 1)

"Elizabeth, married (contract 27 April 1594) to Alexander Cumming, younger of Altyre."

from Scots Peerage (vol 7)

"323. Contract of Marriage made between John Grant of Freuquhy, for himself, and taking burden upon him for Elizabeth Grant, his sister, on the one part, and Thomas Cuming of Altir, for himself, and taking burden upon him for Alexander Cuming, his eldest son and apparent heir, and the said Alexander for his own interest on the other part, whereby the said Alexander agrees to marry the said Elizabeth Grant, with solemnization thereof in face of holy kirk, between the date and 20th July next to come. The said Thomas Cuming of Altir becomes bound to cause the said Alexander and Elizabeth, the longer liver of them, and the heirs-male of their bodies, whom failing, the said Alexander's nearest heirs-male bearing the arms of Cuming, to be infeft in the town and lands of Tulledewie, with mill-town and multures, and salmon fishing of the same, in the lordship and regality of Vrquhart and shire of Elgin and Forres ; the lands of Logye, Aribrie, Lyne, Clunairnie and Dollesbrauchtie, in the lordship of Spynie and shire of Nairne ; the town and lands of Blackhillis, Rininnour, and Rowmichie, in the barony of Dolles and shire of Elgin and Forres and other lands named: To be held of the said Thomas as he held them for the payment of the yearly maills and feu-duties, with warrandice from wards, etc., except a liferent tack of Clunairnie, set to Alexander Dunbar of Inshebrok, and Jonet Cuming, his spouse; and for better security, the said Thomas engages to make Margaret Gordoun, his spouse, appear before the commissary of Moray and renounce her conjunct-fee and liferent right of the said lands, in favour of the said future spouses, which renunciation the said Thomas engages to ratify. And because the town and lands of Logye were in wadset in the hands of John Ross of Ballewatt, upon a reversion for payment of £1000 Scots, together with a letter of tack of the lands of Logye for three years after the redemption thereof, for payment of the feu-maills to the superior, as contained in letters of reversion, dated at Ballewatt, 19th October 1585; and also the town and lands of Dollesbrauchtie, in wadset to James Cuming and Marjorie Ros his spouse, for 460 merks, as contained in the letters of reversion, dated at Elgin, 17th July 1565 ; also, Blackhillis, Rininnour, and Rowmichie, wadset to Katherine Gordoun, relict of the deceased James Innes of Dranze, liferenter thereof, and Alexander Innes of Cokstoun, now her spouse, for his interest, and in the hands of James Innes, fiar thereof, upon reversion for 1200 merks, to be paid in the parish kirk of Elgin, etc., as contained in letters of reversion, dated at Dranze, 19th June 1561 ; to which three letters of reversion, the said Thomas and Margaret his spouse, for her interest, hereby make the said Alexander and Elizabeth his future spouse, and the heirs-male of their bodies, their cessioners and assignees, and transfer all their right thereto to them, and in token of assignation, deliver at the making hereof to the said Alexander and the said John Grant of Freuquhy, in name of the said Elizabeth Grant, the three letters of reversion, to be kept and used by the said Alexander and Elizabeth as their own proper evidents ; of which the said John Grant of Freuquhy grants receipt, and engages to make them forthcoming to the said Alexander and Elizabeth, and their heirs, whom failing, the heirs of the said Alexander, for redemption of the said lands : Providing always, that although the said Thomas Cuming had sealed and subscribed infeftments of the said towns and lands of Wester Logye, Dollesbrauchtie, Blackhillis, Rininnour and Rowmichie, to the said Alexander and Elizabeth, and their foresaids, the said Thomas shall not be obliged in warrandice of the said wadset lands till they be redeemed, by virtue of the former reversions : also, whereas the said Thomas Cuming had sold and alienated to Thomas Cuming, his second son, in liferent, the lands of Drummyne and Presley, and heritably to his heirs-male and assignees, whom failing, to return to the house of Altyir, upon reversion containing the sum of 500 merks ; and to James Cuming, his younger son, in liferent, the town and lands of Ballewraych, and heritably to his heirs-male and assignees, upon reversion containing the sum of 500 merks, the said Thomas binds himself not to sell, nor wadset, nor set in tack to the said Thomas nor James Cuming, his sons, any other lands except these, nor make them have the lands in any better case, except in setting to them the teinds and vicarage of the said lands. Further, the said Thomas agrees to make similar infeftment to the said Elisabeth, in liferent, and heritably to the said Alexander, his heirs and assignees foresaid, upon the towns and lands of Mekill Bounchell, Craigton, and Craigmylne, in the earldom of Moray and shire of Elgin and Forres, reserving his liferent thereof, and Margaret Gordoun, his spouse's liferent, of the milne of Craigton, mill and mill crofts thereof, to be held of the heir or heirs of the deceased James Earl of Moray, etc. And in case the said Alexander depart this life without heirs-male of his body, the provision above written shall not be prejudicial to the said Thomas or James Cuming, to succeed to the lands and baronies of Altyir and Dolles, nor other lands now possessed by the Laird of Altir, nor to which they might succeed by decease of the said Alexander without heirs-male as aforesaid ; and the said Thomas binds himself, and the heirs succeeding him in his lands and heritages, in case the said Alexander decease leaving only heirs-female of his body, to pay to the eldest daughter 2000 merks; to the second, £1000 Scots; to the third, 1000 merks Scots, the time of payment to be fixed by the said John Grant of Freuquhy, his heirs or their curators, to be spent as tochers for them, providing such payment did not light on the said Thomas, or his spouse, in their lifetimes. For which causes the said John Grant of Freuquhy binds himself to pay to the said Thomas Cuming of Altir, his heirs, executors, and assignees, the sum of 7000 merks Scots, in name of 'dote and tocherguid,' of which 3000 was paid at the date of the contract, for which the said Thomas Cuming grants receipt, and the rest was to be paid to the said Thomas Cuming and Margaret Gordoun, his spouse, and their assignees, 940 merks, between the date of the contract and the penult of October instant 1594 ; and the said Thomas Cuming of Altir assigns to the said John Grant of Freuquhie the sum of 3060 merks remaining, for the redemption of the said three reversions ; which lands of Wester Logye, Dollesbrauchtie, etc., the said John Grant obliges himself lawfully to redeem to the said Alexander and Elizabeth before Whitsunday 1595, and, in case of failure, to infeft them in an annual rent of ten score bolls victual out of the lands of the barony of Knokandoch, to continue till the redemption were accomplished, such victual to be paid or delivered 'with the commoun firlot of Elgin and Forres.' And the said John Grant of Freuquhye, and Alexander Cuming, bind themselves, in case the said Thomas deceased before Margaret Gordoun, his spouse, to keep and preserve the lands pertaining to her by his decease, and her tenants, safe from all sorning and oppression as they do their own lands, and the said Thomas and James Cuming in their lands above said ; and the parties annul all other contracts of marriage made on the premises, and consent to the registration of the present contract in the Commissary Books of Moray. Dated at Altir, 27th April 1594. Witnesses, Patrick Grant of Rothemurchus, Patrick Grant of Blarye, Patrick Grant of Ballandallache, John Annand of Mureston. William Gibson of Sherefmylne, Mr. Archibald McGregor of Tullochcruben, and John Donaldsone, writer of the premises. Signed, 'Jhone Grant [of Freuquhye].' 'Thomas Cumyng of Altyr.' "

from Chiefs of Grant (vol 3) 1 2 4


1 e-books, The Chiefs of Grant vol. 1 by William Fraser (1883).

2 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 7 (1910).

3 e-books, Family Records of the Bruces and the Cumyns by M. E. Cumming Bruce (1870).

4 e-books, The Chiefs of Grant vol. 3 by William Fraser (1883).

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