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GORDON, Parent
(About 1610-)
GORDON, James of Seaton, Bailie in Old Aberdeen
(About 1630-1714)


Family Links

1. FORBES, Bessie

GORDON, James of Seaton, Bailie in Old Aberdeen 2

  • Born: About 1630
  • Marriage (1): FORBES, Bessie 1
  • Died: 1714 3
  • Buried: Old Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland 3

  General Notes:

"19 OCTOBER 1661.

The said day the Baillies forsaid hawinge conveinet the counsell and Comunitie of the said toune for the maist pairt and ther in pns. of the haill Inhabitants of the said toun the saids Baillies with William Angus ther thesaurer did dimit and lay doun ther rex'ivie charges and offices and earnestlie willit and desyrit that the counsell and the communitie of the said toun wold fall vpone ane new electione quho should be qualifeit and abell persones for the glorie of God and the weill of the said plaice and therefter the haill counsell and comunitie with consent and assent of the forsaids baillies did elect nominat and choos James Gordone of Seatone Williame Johnstone of Middeltone Captaine Arthor Forbes Mr William Douglas professor of Divinitie Mr Andro Muir Doctor of Phesicke of the Kings College and baillie within the bounds of the said Colledge Mr Pat : Sandilands subprinll of the said Colledge Mr William Johnstone and Mr Georg Gordoune regents Mr Thomas Gordon in Kethocks Millne Mr Pat : Gordone of Boigholl and John Gordone in litell Millne to be vpone the Counsell for ane year to come and also to hawe full frie pour and libertie to elect absolutlie be themselwes ane corume of the tread men and wther inhabitantis of the said toune to be joynit and conexit with them as counsellers of the said burgh for ane yeare to cum for the weillfaire and prospering therof and takinge away of all debaits and annimosities within the said toune and after the forsaids persons hade tackine serious inspectione cognitione and trayell of the premisses"

"22 APRIL 1662.

The said day... As also the wholl counssell in ane wnanimows woice hes elected nominat and chossen James Gordon of Seaton pnt. baillie of Auld Abd to be Comissioner to the effect forsaid. Ill 243."

"15 FEBRUARY 1663

The sd. day the sessione did commissionat James Gordon of Seaton and Georg Cruikshank of Berrihill to repaire to the first meiting of the colledge and to desyre them to forbeare the calling of Mr. James Muir to be minr here till the place be first filled w' a bishope. Ill 214"


Nov. 2. Ja: Gordon of Seaton buried w'in the Light Isle . . . 13 6 8"

from Records of Old Aberdeen 3

  Research Notes:


A baptism record in Old Machar Parish Register for James Gordone, son of "Patrick Gordone in old abd", dated 22 December 1650, may be this man. 4

James married Bessie FORBES, daughter of Robert FORBES of Rubislaw, Provost of Aberdeen and Agnes FORBES.1 (Bessie FORBES was baptised on 9 November 1641 in Saint Nicholas parish, Aberdeen, Scotland 5 and died on 21 November 1664 1.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Novr 21.'64. died Elizabeth Forbes a godly woman spouse to James Gordon of Seton bailie of Old Abd. aetatis 29. "

from Diary of John Row


There is an incongruity between the age at death noted by John Row in his diary and the baptism year for Bessie Forbes in the parish register.

Robert and Agnes Forbes had several daughters. The eldest, Elspet, was baptised in 1636:


and the youngest, Bessie, was baptised in 1641:

"FORBES BESSIE ROBERT FORBES/ANNAS FORBES F 09/11/1641 168/A 30 286 Aberdeen."

It may be that the author of the diary was thinking of the elder sister. 5 6


1 e-books, Aberdeen Journal Scottish Notes and Queries vol.7 June 1893-May 1894 (1894).

2 e-books, Jacobites of 1715 and 1745 North East Scotland by Frances McDonnell (in paper Clearfield 1996).

3 e-books, Records of Old Aberdeen.

4 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Old Machar parish Aberdeen Baptisms.

5 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Births and Baptisms.

6 e-books, Aberdeen Journal Scottish Notes and Queries vol.7 June 1893-May 1894 (1894) Diary of John Row.

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