GORDON, William Chancellor of Dunkeld and Treasurer of Caithness
Another name for William was GORDON, William thesaurer of Cathnes, Maister.1
User ID: A247.
General Notes:
"1552-3 January 9th. Legitimation grantit be our Souerane Lord James the fyft to Maister William Gordon, thesaurer of Cathnes, and Maister George Gordoun, capitane of Badenoch, his brother [and May (Mariote) Duffus, thair modir, bastard dochter of Sir John Duffus, chaplan] sonis natural of Maister Adam Gordoun [read in court and at the 'mercat croce' and here registered]. . . in cuius rei testimonium presentibus magnum nostrum sigillum apponi precepimus apud Elgin vicesimo quarto die mensis februarii anno domini quingentesimo vicesimo septimo et regni nostri decimo quarto."
from Records of Elgin 1