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STEWART, Walter 6th High Steward of Scotland
(About 1292-1327)
BRUCE, Marjorie Princess of Scots
(About 1296-1315)
MURE, Adam, Sir
(About 1295-)
MURE, Janet heiress of Polkellie
(About 1298-)
STEWART, Robert II King of Scots
MURE, Elizabeth 'of Rowallan'
(About 1320-1355)
(About 1354-1404)


Family Links

1. KEITH, John, Sir

2. LYON, John of Glamis, Chamberlain of Scotland, Sir
3. SANDILANDS, James 2nd of Calder, ancestor of Lord Torpichen, Sir


  • Born: About 1354
  • Marriage (1): KEITH, John, Sir 17 January 1373-1374(charter) 1
  • Marriage (2): LYON, John of Glamis, Chamberlain of Scotland, Sir secretly by 4 October 1376, publicly 10 May 1378 1
  • Marriage (3): SANDILANDS, James 2nd of Calder, ancestor of Lord Torpichen, Sir About 20 November 1384(grant) 1
  • Died: 1404 or soon after 1
  • Buried: 1404 or soon after, Scone Abbey, Perthshire, Scotland 1

   Another name for Jean was STEWART, Johanna.1

   User ID: K168.

Jean married Sir John KEITH, son of Sir William DE KEITH Great Marischal of Scotland and Margaret FRASER heiress of Touchfraser, 17 January 1373-1374(charter).1 (Sir John KEITH was born about 1352 and died before 27 December 1375(dvp) 1.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Jean, was married first, to Sir John Keith, eldest son of the Marischal ...."

from Scots Peerage (vol 1)

"John, who married Jean, youngest daughter of King Robert II., by Elizabeth Mure. On 17 January 1373-74, he had a charter from King Robert II., on the resignation of William de Keth, Knight, Marischal of Scotland, and Margaret, his wife, 'dilecto filio nostro,' of all lands and offices belonging to his father."

from Scots Peerage (vol 6) 1 2

Jean next married Sir John LYON of Glamis, Chamberlain of Scotland secretly by 4 October 1376, publicly 10 May 1378.1 (Sir John LYON of Glamis, Chamberlain of Scotland was born about 1345, died on 4 November 1382 1 and was buried in 1382 in Scone Abbey, Perthshire, Scotland 1.). The cause of his death was slain by Sir James Lyndsay of Crawford.

  Marriage Notes:

"Jean, was married .... second, to Sir John Lyon, by whom she became ancestress of the Earls of Strathmore ...."

from Scots Peerage (vol 1)

"On 4 October 1376 King Robert II. granted 'to his dearest son John Lyon and Johanna his wife, the King's beloved daughter,' the thanedom of Tannadyce in the sheriffdom of Forfar." (page 266)

"By an indenture dated 17 September 1380, between Sir John on the one part, and the Abbot and convent of Scone on the other, he gifted to the monastery all his lands in the burgh of Perth, in the north street thereof, and on the north side of that street, with an annualrent of fifty shillings, payable out of the land of Thomas de Sallaris in said burgh, for which the Abbot and convent obliged themselves to perform a mass daily at the altar of the Blessed Virgin in the great church of the monastery, where the said Sir John desired to be buried, for the souls of himself and Dame Jean his wife, daughter of Robert, King of Scots, and for the souls of the whole burgesses of Perth." (page 267) "Sir John's wife was the Princess Johanna Stewart, one of the daughters of King Robert II. by his first wife Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Adam Mure of Rowallan. The Princess had three husbands. On 17 January 1373-74 she was married to Sir John Keith, eldest son of Sir William Keith, Marischal of Scotland, and she was left a widow before 27 December 1375. Her marriage with Sir John Lyon took place between 27 June and 4 October 1376, on which latter date the King designs him his dearest son.'

The union was at first a secret, and two years later, on 10 May 1378, the King publicly acknowledged Sir John as his son, and, with consent of his three sons above named, granted to the spouses letters of acknowledgment and remission for any clandestine marriage formerly contracted by them, in regard a marriage had been solemnly celebrated between them in face of the Church, in presence of the King and his sons and other friends and relatives. The tocher of the Princess was the thanedom of Tannadyce.

After Sir John's death she married Sir James Sandilands of Calder. On 20 November 1384 King Robert II. granted to Sir James, on his own resignation, the baronies of Dalzell, Motherwell, and Wiston, in the sheriffdom of Lanark, to be held by Sir James and Johanna, the King's daughter, 'whom God willing he is about to take to wife.' In the last reference observed to the Princess in 1404 she is designed 'Lady Johanna, Lady of Glammys.' She was interred with her husband in the monastery of Scone. So far as appears, the only child of the union between Sir John and the Princess was his son and successor, Sir John Lyon." (pages 268 and 269)

from Scots Peerage (vol 8) 1 2

Jean next married Sir James SANDILANDS 2nd of Calder, ancestor of Lord Torpichen, son of Sir James SANDILANDS of Calder and Eleonora DOUGLAS, About 20 November 1384(grant).1 (Sir James SANDILANDS 2nd of Calder, ancestor of Lord Torpichen was born about 1347 and died after 15 May 1397 1.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Jean, was married .... third, to Sir James Sandilands of Calder, and became ancestress of the Lords Torphichen."

from Scots Peerage (vol 1)

"After Sir John's death she married Sir James Sandilands of Calder. On 20 November 1384 King Robert II. granted to Sir James, on his own resignation, the baronies of Dalzell, Motherwell, and Wiston, in the sheriffdom of Lanark, to be held by Sir James and Johanna, the King's daughter, 'whom God willing he is about to take to wife.' " (pages 268 and 269)

"Sir James Sandilands of Calder had permission from Edward III., 5 June 1358, granted at the request of Queen Joanna, the King's sister, to come from Scotland into England for the purpose of pursuing his studies at Durham. His name occurs in various charters of Robert II. That monarch, on 22 October 1373, granted to Duncan Walays, Knight, and Elianor de Bruys, Countess of Carryk, his wife, various baronies and lands on the resignation of the said Duncan, which were now to be held to Duncan and Elianor and the longest liver of them and the legitimate heirs of Duncan ; whom failing, then to James of Sandylandys and his heirs. The same lands were granted by King Robert, 20 November 1384, to James Sandylands, Knight, upon his own resignation, to be held by him and Joanna, the King's dearest daughter, and their heirs. A charter of 24 May 1385, granting to him 40s. sterling payable for the Castleward of the barony of Calder, is similarly directed to his beloved son James Sandilands, Knight, and Jean his wife, our dearest daughter, and the heirs legitimately begotten between them..." (page 380)

"He married, in 1384, the Princess Jean, or Joanna, lawful daughter of Robert II. and widow successively of Sir John Keith and Sir John Lyon of Glamis, the King's secretary, and afterwards Chamberlain, assassinated in 1382. He had a son. Sir James Sandilands of Calder ..." (page 381)

from Scots Peerage (vol 8) 1 2


1 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 8 (1911).

2 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 1 (1904).

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