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KEITH, William 3rd Earl Marischal
KEITH, Margaret co-heiress of Inverugie
(About 1517-)
HAY, George 7th Earl of Erroll
(About 1508-1573)
(About 1510-)
KEITH, William Master of Marischal
(About 1538-1580)
HAY, Elizabeth
(About 1537-)
(About 1563-1619)


Family Links

1. ARBUTHNOTT, Robert 16th of that Ilk, Sir

KEITH, Mary 1 2 3

  • Born: About 1563
  • Marriage (1): ARBUTHNOTT, Robert 16th of that Ilk, Sir 21 June 1582(contract) married by 25 December 1582 1 2 3
  • Died: 11 March 1619(1620) 3 4

   Another name for Mary was KEITH, Marry Dame.4

   User ID: Z256.

  General Notes:

Marry, Dame
spouse of Sir Robert Arbuthnot, of that ilk, knight, parish of Arbuthnot 31 May 1619 and 16 April 1621
Testament Testamentar and Inventory
St Andrews Commissary Court

Marry, Dame
spouse of Sir Robert Arbuthnot, of that ilk, knight, parish of Arbuthnot 31 May 1619 and 16 April 1621
St Andrews Commissary Court

from Wills and Testaments 4

Mary married Sir Robert ARBUTHNOTT 16th of that Ilk, son of Andrew ARBUTHNOTT 15th of that Ilk and Elizabeth CARNEGIE, 21 June 1582(contract) married by 25 December 1582.1 2 3 (Sir Robert ARBUTHNOTT 16th of that Ilk was born about 1554 and died in September 1631 3.)

  Marriage Notes:

"He (Robert Arbuthnott) married Lady Mary Keith, sister of George, fourth Earl Marischal, with whom he received a tocher of 5000 merks. Their marriage-contract is dated 21 June 1582. In connection with this marriage the Arbuthnott estates were settled upon him under certain reservations, including his father's liferent. He obtained Crown charters of the barony of Arbuthnott to himself and his wife, Mary Keith in liferent, and in fee to the heirs-male of their marriage, whom failing the heirs-male mentioned in the previous charters of the barony of Arbuthnott, dated 25 December 1582 .... "

".... Having no children by his wife, Sir Robert Arbuthnott on 29 December 1615 obtained on his own resignation a Crown charter, dated 9 January 1616, in favour of Robert Arbuthnott of Arrat, his brother's son, erecting the whole subjects therein contained into one free barony to be known as the barony of Arbuthnott."

from Scots Peerage (vol 1)

Mary was a sister of George Keith, not his daughter.

"495. Apud Haliruidhous, 25 Dec. EX confirmavit cartam Andree Arbuthnet de eodem, - [qua, - pro perimpletione contractus inter se et Rob. A. filium suum et heredem apparentem ab una, et Geo. Keith com. Mariscalli et Mariam K. ejus sororem, de data apud Dinnotter, 20 Jun. 1582,- concessit dicte MARIE KEITH, sponse future dicti Rob., in vitali redditu, - terras dominicales etc..."

from RGS

Mary is referred to as Robert's wife in a later document of 1588, in the same collection:

"... Reservando Mario Keith spouse dicti Rob. vitaleni redditum terrarum dominicalium de Futlies etc..." (1480. Apud Halyruidhous, 5 Mar.)

(re marriage of Robert Arbuthnot and Mary Keith):

"a) The marriage contract (entry #464) is dated 21-Jun-1582 at Dunottar.

b) The follow-on charter (entry #466) is dated 27-Jul-1582 at Arbuthnott.

c) The confirmation of this charter (entry #472) is dated 25-Dec-1582 at Edinburgh.

(b) & (c) are also found in RMS Vol 5 #495.

However, in the Arbuthnott Inventory, the confirmation charter (c) is given in greater detail than in the RMS and in it Mary Keith is described as the wife of Robert Arbuthnott.

So they must have married between 21-Jun-1582 and 25-Dec-1582.

In addition, the marriage contract lists Mary's Curators, which I assume means she was under 21..."

from email information cited 1 2 3 5


1 The register of the Great Seal of Scotland, AD 1306-1668, AD 1582 16 Jac. VI. 495 Holyroodhouse 25 Dec. Charter at Arbuthnot 27 Jul. 1582.

2 e-mail, M. Wade 17 July 2022 based on research of Arbuthnott Family and Estate Papers at Special Collections, University of Aberdeen.

3 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 1 (1904).

4 National Records of Scotland, https://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk Legal records - Wills and testaments.

5 The register of the Great Seal of Scotland, AD 1306-1668, AD 1587-88 21 Jac. VI. 495 Holyroodhouse 5 Mar.

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