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STRACHAN, John of Ledynturk
(About 1385-)
STRACHAN, William of Logy Durno
(About 1420-)
STRACHAN, Thomas of Lenturk


Family Links

1. FORBES, Eldest daughter

STRACHAN, Thomas of Lenturk

  • Born: 1465
  • Marriage (1): FORBES, Eldest daughter 1
  • Died: 1546 2

   Other names for Thomas were STRAQUHYNE, Thomas of Ledinturk 2 and STRAUCHINE, Thomas of Lenturk.1

   User ID: J299.

  General Notes:

"In pursuit of the old quarrel between the Forbes and the Leslies, John Strachan and John Forbes, the Master, murdered Alexander Seton of Meldrum. For his part in this crime Forbes obtained a remission from the King in 1530. Strachan who was also guilty of sacking the castle of Kildrummy and implicated in the murder of John King of Bourtie did not obtain his remission until the following year. Five years later an even more serious charge - that of conspiring to shootJames V with a culverin in the course of a visit to Aberdeen - was brought against the two men.Or rather the charge was levelled against John Forbes, and the lesser charge of foreknowledge and treasonable concealment was brought against Strachan. For this Strachan was convicted andpardoned subject to him keeping himself beyond the ' Waiter of Dee', and in the event of the King crossing the river putting a space of 12 miles between himself and his sovereign. JohnForbes however was executed."

from Tillycairn Castle

"In the preceding trial of John, Master of Forbes, the reader has seen that John Strathauchin, or Strachane, was implicated with him in the same crime…"

Résumé: King was alarmed with false reports against his life Some villainous persons worked up his suspicions First sacrificed to that villainous revenge was John, Master of Forbes, eldest son of Lord Forbes, outh of great courage, good education

" (of Forbes) but had liv'd a vicious life, and had entertained one Straghan as a companion in his debauchery. This Straghan took the opportunity to desire something from John Forbes, which not being convenient for him to give, he excused himself. Upon which Straghan was so offended that he strove to be reveng'd on him..."

Résumé: Knew Earl of Huntly at variance with Forbes, he went to him, accused Forbes of plotting to kill the King Straghan found false evidence and swore Forbes was intending to assassinate the King in order that the Douglas family might be restored to their ancient honours John Forbes was impeached, found guilty, sentenced to death and was beheaded King James V so affected by death of Forbes he banished Straghan and rewarded Forbes family in various ways to compensate for son's execution "John Strathauchin, son and heir apparent of Thomas Strathauchin of Lethinturk, accused of being a participator in Forbes's treason, having become in the King's will, the following Letter, declaring the royal pleasure, was entered on the books of Adjournal, and sentence pronounced accordingly..."

The King's proclamation follows

"James be the grace of God King of Scottis…Forsamekill as Johne Strathauchin, sone and apperand are to Thomas Strathauchin of Lethinturkis, is becumi in oure will, for arte and parte of the tresonabill conceling, ymaginacioune and devising of our destructioune and Slauchter be umquhile Johne Maister of Forbes…ffor the quhilkis he was confict and justfyt to be dede for the samyne. We herefore declaring our Will and utter mynd anent the said Johne… ordains him to pass and remane in Ward beyond the Watter of Dee, in quhat pairtis he plesis, induring our Will…"

dated to July in the 24th year of the reign of King James V of Scots

from Ancient Criminal Trials in Scotland 3 4

Thomas married Eldest daughter FORBES, daughter of William FORBES 'of Little Kildrimmie', 2nd of Towie and Elizabeth CALDER.1 (Eldest daughter FORBES was born about 1493.)

  Marriage Notes:

"The sd. Wm. Forbes of Kildrimie had also four daughters: the eldest married on Thomas Strauchine of Lenturk; the 2d on Alex. Leslie of Wardhouss; the 3d on Walter Innes of Toucks..."

from Family of Forbes 1


1 e-books, Genealogy of the Family of Forbes from the account of Mathew Lumsden 1580 ed. William Forbes (1819).

2 Internet Site, http://www.electricscotland.com/hiStory/articles/strachan.htm.

3 Society of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Tillycairn Castle Aberdeenshire by H. Gordon Slade 112 (1982), 497-517.

4 e-books, Ancient criminal trials in Scotland Compiled from the original records and mss by Robert Pitcairn (1833).

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