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FORBES, John 'of the Black Lip', Sir
(About 1347-1406)
KENNEDY, Elizabeth or Margaret
(About 1358-)
(About 1350-About 1433)
LINDSAY, Elizabeth
(About 1358-)
FORBES, John of Tolquhon, Sir
(About 1386-1454)
PRESTON, Mariote co-heiress of Fermartyn
(About 1393-)
FORBES, Duncan of Ardgeithen
(About 1430-)


Family Links

1. GORDON, Christian

2. THOMPSON, Second wife 'in Pittodrie'
3. MORTIMER, Third Wife

FORBES, Duncan of Ardgeithen 1 2

  • Born: About 1430
  • Marriage (1): GORDON, Christian 1 2
  • Marriage (2): THOMPSON, Second wife 'in Pittodrie' 1 3
  • Marriage (3): MORTIMER, Third Wife 1 3

   User ID: E847.

Duncan married Christian GORDON, daughter of Thomas GORDON of Daach (Davoch), or of Riven (Ruthven) and Unknown.1 2 (Christian GORDON was born about 1442.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Duncan Forbes of Argeighten married Christian Gordon, daughter to Thomas Gordon of Auchindore who did bear to him John Forbes in Terpersie, with diverss daughters"

from Family of Forbes

"Duncan Forbes of Ardgeithe, second son of Sir John Forbes of Tolquhon, married Christian, daughter of Thomas Gordon of Auchindoir, and had a son John, in Terpersie"

from House of Forbes

"Duncan Forbes of Argeighton 2d Son to the first Sir John Argeighton. Married Christen Gordon Daughter to Thomas Gordon of Achendore who bear to him John Forbes of Terpersie with divers Daughters"

from MacFarlane's Collections

"Macfarlane mentions (vol. II., p. 227) that a Christian Gordon, daughter to Thomas Gordon of Auchindoir, married Duncan Forbes of Argreighton [2nd son of the first Sir John Forbes of Tolquhon] 'father of John Forbes in Terpersie.,' This Thomas was presumably (see Note below) the Thomas Gordon, son of Patrick of Johnisleys, mentioned in the charter granted by Adam of Aboyne in 1517."

from Gordons of Craig

Note on the identity of the father of Christian Gordon:

This Thomas Gordon cannot be the Thomas Gordon mentioned by Wimberley (above), since the Thomas Gordon referenced by Wimberley was flourishing in the late 15th and early 16th century. Christian's father would have to have been alive almost a hundred years earlier than that, born in the early 1400s at the latest.

Auchindoir, well before it belonged to the Gordons of Craig, was held by the Irvines of Drum:

The Earl of Mar afterwards wedded the Lady of Duffyl in Brabant; and on his return to Scotland granted to his cousin ('consanguineo nostro'), Sir Alexander Irewyne, the lands of Davachindore 2 [2 Now called Auchindoir, Craig of Auchindoir, etc.] and Fidelmonth in perpetuity. In this charter, which is dated at Kyndromy, 16th December, 1410, the granter styles himself Earl of Mar and the Garviauch and Lord of Duffyl in Brabant." (Irvines of Drum page 32)

Much later, in the early 1500s, the laird of Irvine entered into an agreement with Patrick Gordon of Johnisleys, ancestor of the Gordons of Craig or Auchindoir

Before that happened, Alexander Irvine of Drum resigned the lands of Braeruddoch in Aboyne, and George Gordon, 2nd Earl of Huntly, by charter, dated at Banff, 24th January 1473-4, conveyed them to his 'beloved cousin, Thomas of Gordon,' upon the same tenure. The latter was most probably Thomas Gordon of Kennerty, son of Thomas Gordon of Daach.

It is possible that Christian or Christen Gordon who married Duncan Forbes was this younger Thomas's sister, a daughter of Thomas Gordon of Daach who is said to have fathered a many children by several partners.

It is even possible that the designations 'Daach' and Davachindore have been confused in naming her father, Thomas Gordon, and that the more modern 'Achendore' has replaced Davachindore, mistakenly substituted for Daach.
1 2 4 5 6 7

Duncan next married Second wife THOMPSON 'in Pittodrie'.1 3 (Second wife THOMPSON 'in Pittodrie' was born about 1450.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Duncan Forbes, above, had also six other sons, three by a Thompson in Pittodrie and three by a Mortimer ; they were none of them lairds, but were settled in various farms, etc. John in Tulloch; James in Balfour; James in Seafield (who left a son, 'John, with the garters') ; William in Abersnithack; Alexander in Birklassie; and Henry, parson of Alford."

from House of Forbes

" .... and after the deceass of his wife, he (Duncan Forbes) got on Morinegill Thomson's wife in Pittodrie, John Forbes in Tulloch, James Forbes in Balfour, and James Forbes in Seafield"

from Family of Forbes 1 3

Duncan next married Third Wife MORTIMER.1 3 (Third Wife MORTIMER was born about 1452.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Duncan Forbes, above, had also six other sons, three by a Thompson in Pittodrie and three by a Mortimer ; they were none of them lairds, but were settled in various farms, etc. John in Tulloch; James in Balfour; James in Seafield (who left a son, 'John, with the garters') ; William in Abersnithack; Alexander in Birklassie; and Henry, parson of Alford."

from House of Forbes

" .... and, in like maner, the sd. Duncan (Forbes) got on -------- Mortimer, daughter to Thomas Mortimer in Ashallock, Wm. Forbes in Punthark, Alex. Forbes in Blairglassie, and Sr Henrie Forbes; vicar in Alford."

from Family of Forbes< 1 3


1 e-books, Genealogy of the Family of Forbes from the account of Mathew Lumsden 1580 ed. William Forbes (1819).

2 e-books, The House of Forbes by Alistair Tayler (1937) Chapter XXIX Tolquhon.

3 e-books, House of Forbes by Alistair and Henrietta Tayler (1937 and 1987) found at https://www.clan-forbes.org/house-of-forbes Cadets of Tolquhon.

4 e-books, Memorials of the Family of Gordon of Craig and Notes on the Cabrach by Douglas Wimberley (1904).

5 e-books, MacFarlane’s Genealogical Collections vol. 2 (Pub. of SHS vol.34 1900).

6 e-books, The Irvines of Drum and Collateral Branches by Jonathan Forbes-Leslie (1909).

7 e-books, The Records of Aboyne 1230-1681 edited by Charles XI Marquis of Huntly (1894).

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