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STEWART, Thomas of Auchorachan
(About 1595-)
STEWART, Thomas of Auchorachan
(About 1625-)
STEWART, William of Aucholzie, Jacobite 1715
(About 1658-1727)


Family Links

1. FARQUHAR, Barbara

STEWART, William of Aucholzie, Jacobite 1715 2 3

  • Born: About 1658
  • Marriage (1): FARQUHAR, Barbara 1
  • Marriage (2): FARQUHARSON, Euphame 4 June 1701(contract) 1 2
  • Died: by 18 November 1727 2

   User ID: G608.

  General Notes:


"These lands (Auchoilzie, Glenmuick) had been in the possession of the Gordon family since their acquisition by the first Earl of Huntly about the year 1447. [....] the Earl of Aboyne reset them on Wadset, as appears from the following:

'Contract of Wadset betwixt John Gordon of Rothiemay Tutor Testermenter to Charles Earl of Aboyne and Andrew Fraser of Kinmundie on the one part, and William Stewart lawful son to Thomas Stewarl of Auchorachan on the other part whereby the said John Gordon and Andrew Fraser dispose to the said William Stewart and his heirs and assignies for payment of £3000. Scots, All and Haill the Towns and lands of Aucholzies, Upper and Neither Auchnacraig, Stodartcroft, Bellino and the haugh of Aucholzie and pertinents lying within the Parish of Glenmuick and Shireffdom of Aberdeen, redeemable by the Earl of Aboyne on payment of £3000 Scots money dated 23rd May, 1681.'

There follows an 'Instrument of Sasine in favours of the said William Stewart in the forsaid Lands under the hands of John Gillanders, Notary Public, dated 26th May, 1681.'

Following this there is 'Instrument of Sasine in favors of said William Stewart proceeding on a Disposition granted to him by James Gordon of Bellino and Janet Watt his spouse in the half of the haugh of Aucholzie and in the Town and lands of Bellino, Together with that pendicle of the Town and Lands of Aucholzie formerly possessed by James Murray alias Dow, and also that portion of the said Town and Lands of Aucholzie next adjacent to the Lands of the said James Murray extending to seven marks mailing yearly with pertinents lying within the parish of Glenmuick and Sheriffdom of Aberdeen.' 'This Sasine is under the hand of John Gillenders, Notary Public, and dated the 26th May 1681.'

The following document refers to a subsequent arrangement : -

'Disposition by Charles Earl of Aboyne in favours of the said William Stewart son of the said Thomas Stewart of Auchoilzie, son of Thomas Stewart of Auchorachan narrating the Contract of Wadset 1681, Whereby for the sum of 2500 merks Scots and for the sums formerly advanced he Disposes to the said William Stewart, his heirs male and assignees whatsoever irredeemably. All and Haill the Towns and lands of Upper and Neither Auchoilzies, Auchnacraig, Stodartcroft, Bellno and the haugh of Aucholzie with the pendicles thereof called Gainderg Cairnray, Boginroll, Claskmirick and Bonwin with the pertinents lying within the parish of Glenmuick and Sheriffdom of Aberdeen ; as also the Milne and Milnetovvn of Glenmuich, milne Lands thereof astricted multures sucken and knaveship of the Towns and Lands of Auchoilzie, Toldow, Altownrie, Belindorie, Stodartcroft, Blackharage and other duties and services thereto used with the shealings pertaining thereto called Carntorrarie and Moss sixeklike belonging to the same in Craigivallach with the liberty of Fail and Divot and Muckyard in Corrie of Cairntonararie used and wont with the pertinents lying in the parish and Sheriffdom foresaid, To be holden feu of the said Earl for yearly payment of £20 Scots of feu duty and other services. Dated the 19th August 1699.'

There follows on this : -

'Instrument of Sasine in favours of the said William Stewart following on the said Disposition under the hands of Francis Moir, Notary Public, Dated 13th October 1699."

The above extracts show the holdings, and give some indication of the number of tenants on the estate of Auchoilzie at the close of the 17th century. In the Poll Book of nearly the same date (1696) Alexander Young, as tenant of Bellnoe, seems to have been a man of some consequence. In Auchnacraig there were eight tenants, and in Acholie six. The proprietor was the William Stewart referred to in the above extracts, and the valuation of his property is £120. He and Harie Farquharson of Ballatrich were the commissioners appointed to make the valuation, and it does not appear that at that date Mr. Farquharson of Invercauld held any land within the old parish of Glenmuick."

from Records of Invercauld 4

  Research Notes:


"The estate of Aucholzie, pronounced 'Achwillie', is dealt with at length in Michie's Records of Invercauld (pp. 26-37), Aucholzie. The estate was long held by a family named Stewart, and on July 9, 1714, we have the marriage contract registered between Anna, daughter of Robert Garden of Corse, and Alexander, son of William Stewart of Aucholzie (Records of Invercauld, p. 28). The Earl of Aboyne ultimately became proprietor of the lands in consequence of the debts due to him by James Stewart. The lands passed in 1766 to the Farquharsons of Invercauld, and were finally sold to Sir James Mackenzie of Glenmuick. A family of Gordons occupied Aucholzie from about 1750 to 1875 (with the exception of the years 1815-17 when it was let). In 1875, when Aucholzie was sold to Mackenzie, the grazing was turned into a deer forest."

from House of Gordon 5

William married Barbara FARQUHAR.1 (Barbara FARQUHAR was born about 1665.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Stewart, William of Aucholzie

Married twice, first to Barbara Farquhar by whom he had a daughter"

from Jacobites of 1715 1

William next married Euphame FARQUHARSON, daughter of Harry FARQUHARSON 2nd of Whitehouse and Ballatarich and Barbara ROSS, 4 June 1701(contract).1 2 (Euphame FARQUHARSON was born about 1682.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Stewart, William of Aucholzie

Married .... secondly to Eupham, daughter of Henry Farquharson of Whitehouse, by whom he had three sons and four daughters."

from Jacobites of 1715

"Confirmed Testament by the said Euphane Farquharson, Executor confirmed before the Commissary of Aberdeen to the said William Stewart her husband, dated 18th November 1727." Euphame Farquharson was the daughter of Harrie Farquharson of Whitehouse and Ballatarich, and sister of the Harrie Farquharson who was slain at Culloden." (page 29)

"From a marriage contract of date 4th June, 1701, it appears that William Stewart of Auchoilzie had married Euphame Farquharson, daughter of Harry Farquharson of Whitehouse." (page 32)

from Records of Invercauld 1 2


1 e-books, Jacobites of 1715 and 1745 North East Scotland by Frances McDonnell (in paper Clearfield 1996).

2 e-books, The Records of Invercauld 1568-1828 ed. John Grant Michie (1901).

3 Frances McDonnell, Jacobites of 1715 North East Scotland and Jacobites of 1745 North East Scotland (1996), Jacobites of 1715 and 1745 North East Scotland by Frances McDonnell (in paper Clearfield 1996).

4 e-books, The Records of Invercauld.

5 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 1 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1903) Other Gordons in the Abergeldie Country.

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