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BURNET, Thomas 13th of Leys, Baronet, Sir
(About 1583-1653)
(About 1601-)
BURNET, William of Sauchen, Minister of Kinairney, Reverend Mr
(About 1585-)
REID, Catherine
(About 1595-)
BURNET, Thomas of Sauchen
(About 1625-)
BURNET, Bessie
(About 1625-)
BURNET, Robert of Sauchen, Minister of Fintray, Reverend Mr
(About 1658-1701)


Family Links

1. REID, Jean

BURNET, Robert of Sauchen, Minister of Fintray, Reverend Mr 1

  • Born: About 1658
  • Marriage (1): REID, Jean
  • Died: 18 June 1701 2

   User ID: A401.

  General Notes:

(at Banchory Ternan in 1682)

"Robert Burnett, M.A.; inst.7th Nov1682; dep before 6th Oct 1695 for non-jurancy; was received into communion by a Committee of the General Assembly in 1698 [afterwards min. of Fintray]."

(at Fintray in 1699)

"Robert Burnett, eldest son of Thomas B. of Sauchen, uncle and factor to Sir Thomas Burnett of Leys; educated at King's College M.A. (9th July 1668); inst. at Banchory-Ternan 7th Nov. 1682; deprived before 6th Oct. 1695 for non-jurancy, but was received into Communion by a Committee of Assembly in 1698; called 9th Oct. same year; adm. here 5th Jan. 1699; died 18th June 1701, aged about 53. He marr. Jean (died 9th April 1722), daugh. of Robert Reid, min. of Banchory-Ternan, and had issue- Robert of Sauchen; Alexander, bapt. 5th Dec. 1685; William, bapt. 7th Sept. 1690; Katherine, bapt. 7th Dec. 1691; John, min. of Cluny, bapt. 14th Dec. 1692; Mary, bapt. 6th Dec. 1693; Nicholas (twin), bapt. 6th Dec. 1693; Katherine, bapt. 19th Sept. 1696; Anna, bapt. 15th.Nov.1697. [Laing MS. Hist. MSS. Com., 434; Ing. Ret. Aberdeen, 515.]"

from Fasti Ecclesiae

"Upon a flat stone, at eastside of Crathes aisle :

Sub hoc marmore requiescunt Reverendus Magister ROBERTUS Burnet de Sauchen, qui pastoral officio apud hanc ecclesiam . . . sedecim annos functus est, et obiit decimo octavo die mensis Junii anno supra millesimum septingentesimo primo, et aetatis suae quinquagesimo tertio; necnon Joanna Reid, sponsa eius, quae obiit 9no die mensis Aprilis, anno 17-2, ietatis sute -3.

[Uuderneath this marble rest the Rev. Robert Burnet of Sauchen, who was minister of this church for 16 years, and died 18th June 1701, in his 53d year; and Joanna Reid, his spouse, who died 9th April 17-2, in the -3d year of her age.] Sauchen, once Huntly property, was acquired by Burnets, between 1662 and 1673. On 24th February 1699, the minister of Banchory, who was some time at Fintray, was served heir to his father Thomas, in the lands of Sauchen and others (Retours, Abd.) His wife is said to have been a daughter of his predecessor at Banchory. Mr Burnet was succeeded in Sauchen, first by a son, and then by a grandson, on whose death, in the year 1770, the property passed to the female line (v. Cluny.)"

from Epitaphs and Inscriptions< 1 2

Robert married Jean REID, daughter of Reverend Mr Robert REID Minister of Banchory Ternan and Unknown. (Jean REID was born about 1662 and died on 9 April 1722.)


1 e-books, Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae by Hew Scott.

2 e-books, Epitaphs and Inscriptions from Burial Grounds and Old Buildings by Andrew Jervise (1875).

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