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BURNET, Andro of Sheddocksley, Merchant Burgess of Aberdeen
(About 1575-1644)
JAFFRAY, Cristiane
(About 1580-)
SKENE, Patrick of Dyce, Burgess of Aberdeen, Mr
(About 1548-1635)
MERCER, Elspett
(About 1570-)
BURNET, Alexander of Sheddocksley
SKENE, Margaret
BURNET, Bessie


Family Links

1. KER, Alexander Minister of Grange parish, Reverend Mr

BURNET, Bessie 1 2

  • Baptised: 12 September 1641, Saint Nicholas parish, Aberdeen, Scotland 3
  • Marriage (1): KER, Alexander Minister of Grange parish, Reverend Mr on 17 September 1668 in Saint Nicholas parish, Aberdeen, Scotland 1
  • Died: May 1728

   Other names for Bessie were BURNET, Elizabeth 3 and BURNET, Jessie.4

   User ID: A970.

  General Notes:

168/A 30 282

from Births and Baptisms 3

Bessie married Reverend Mr Alexander KER Minister of Grange parish, son of Reverend Mr Andrew KER Minister of Glenbuchat parish and Christian BURNET, on 17 September 1668 in Saint Nicholas parish, Aberdeen, Scotland.1 (Reverend Mr Alexander KER Minister of Grange parish was born in 1627 and died in 1693.)

  Marriage Notes:

168 / A 120 / 517

from Index of Marriages

Old Parish Registers
Saint Nicholas parish Aberdeen

"Mariages 1668

Mr alexr ker minister of grange and bessie burnet were mareit the 17 day of septr 1668"

(at Grange in 1652)

"Alexander, son of Andrew K., min. of Glenbuchat; educated at King's College, Aberdeen: M.A. (1647) ....
He marr ....
(2)16th Aug. 1666 (see Note below), Elizabeth (died May 1728), daugh. of Alexander Burnett of Sheddocksley, and had issue (see Note below) John, min. of Roxburgh; Andrew, min. of Rathven; James; Patrick; William, M.A., writer, Edinburgh, born 1669, died 1734; Thomas; Gilbert, burgess of Aberdeen, 9th Sept. 1683; Christian (marr. cont. 4th July 1678 James Ogilvy, burgess of Cullen). [Aberdeen Tests.; Reg. Sec. Sig.; Peterkin's Constitution of the Church; Book of the Chronicles of Keith, 369 ; Banff Sas., iii.,187.]"

from Fasti Ecclesiae


The date given by
Fasti Ecclesiae for this marriage is erroneous. See the OPR above. The issue of Alexander Ker as recorded by Fasti Ecclesiae and attributed to his two wives are, similarly, to be treated with caution.

"29 Septer, 1674. Saiseing given to Mr. Alex' Ker, minister at Grange, off all and haill twentie oxgaite lands of Strathillae, called Ester and Wester Knocks, and of the lands of south and north Cranochs, Millne of Cranach and sicklyk to the said Mr. Alexr Ker and Jessie Burnet his spouse, the longest liver of them two in conjunct fie and liverent of seven oxgaite lands off Knock possessed be Andrew Craib, and two oxgaite possessed be Thomas Hendersone."

from Records of the County of Banff 1 4 5


1 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Marriages.

2 e-books, The Family of Burnett of Leys by George Burnett, ed. James Allardyce (1901).

3 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Births and Baptisms.

4 e-books, Records of the County of Banff 1660-1760 compiled by James Grant (1922).

5 e-books, Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae by Hew Scott.

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