GORDON, George 1
User ID: L600.
General Notes:
"19 MAY 1668.
..... Mr Patrick (Sandilands) hade faythfullie promised abefore that same day to mack inquisitione and informe himselfe anent the sds. speiches emitted and uttered be the sdis. students and lykwyse hade assured the sd. Johne (Fraser) that ther sould be no sick lyke done nor comitted thairafter And the sd. Johne not being satisfied as yett with this offer and assurance given be the sd. Mr Patrick haveing mett with one of the students in the sd. colledge (King's, Aberdeen) George Gordone by name lawful sone to Mr James Gordone parsone at Rothemay quhom he alledgitt did utter the sds. speiches against him or his sd. wyff did pluck and tugg the sd. George as lykwyse said that if ever he sould hear the lyk againe he sould put ane puinyard through his cheicks lykwyse ..."
from Records of Old Aberdeen 1