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GORDON, John of Cairnborrow and Edinglassie
(About 1525-1596)
GORDON, Bessie
(About 1532-)
BANNERMAN, Alexander of Waterton
(About 1522-1581)
REID, Margaret
(About 1520-)
GORDON, John of Cairnborrow and Edenglassie
(About 1553-Before 1624)
BANNERMAN, Elizabeth
(About 1555-)
GORDON, William of Rothiemay and Stock of Cairnborrow
(About 1575-1630)


Family Links

1. ROSE, Elizabeth
2. FORBES, Katherine

GORDON, William of Rothiemay and Stock of Cairnborrow 2 3

  • Born: About 1575
  • Marriage (1): ROSE, Elizabeth by 20 August 1598 1
  • Marriage (2): FORBES, Katherine in 1603 2
  • Died: 2 January 1630 2

   Cause of his death was killing by lairds Crichton of Frendraught and Ogilvy of Banff and their entourage.2

   Other names for William were GORDONE, Wiliam of Carnbarrow 1 and GORDOUN, Wm of Bredland.1

   User ID: J838.

  General Notes:

"The forsaid William Gordon Laird of Rothemey their Father was killed by the Laird of Frendraught and the Laird of Banff Ogilvie, they being five score of men horse and foot and the Laird of Rothemey being but ten Horsemen 2d January 1630, so that if you reckon right you'll find only ten months twixt the killing of the Father and the burning of the Son."

from Balbithan MS

"This family were notorious in connection with the bloody vendetta which they carried on with the Crichtons of Frendraught. The first laird of Rothiemay (who belonged to the Cairnburrow family) was killed in a march dispute with Crichton in January,1630, and his son, the second laird, was burned at Frendraught House in the following October, along with John, Viscount Aboyne, son of the first Marquis of Huntly."

from Bibliographical Appendix 2 4

William married Elizabeth ROSE, daughter of Hugh ROSE 10th of Kilravock, 'The Black Baron' and Catherine FALCONER, by 20 August 1598.1 (Elizabeth ROSE was born about 1556 and died by 1603 5.)

  Marriage Notes:

"His (John Gordon's) Eldest Son William Gordon Laird of Rothemey and Representative of Cairnborrow married first the Barron of Killravock's daughter Ross Lady Foules who had no succession"

from Balbithan MS

"Another of his (Hugh Rose's) daughters, named Elizabeth, contracted to Walter Urquhart of Cromartie, upon the last of August 1579. The tocher 2000 merks. After the decease of the said Walter Urquhart of Cromertie, this Elizabeth was maried to the Laird of Foulis ; and after his decease, to Cuming of Ironside ; and thereafter, to Wiliam Gordone of Carnbarrow, (therafter Rothimay" (page 73)

"I George Munro of Mekle Tarrell oblisis me and my airis to releve and skaythles keip Elizabeth Ros, the relict of umquhile Waltir Vrquhart shiref of Cromertie, and Wm Gordoun of Bredland now hir spous [....] Be thir presentis, subscriuit with our hand, at Kilrawak the tuenty day of August the yeir of God Jm ve four scoir auchtene yeiris, beffoir thir witness, Dauid Ros of Holme, William Ros, Waltir Ros and John Munro notar public."(pages 287 and 288)

from Family of Rose 1 2

William next married Katherine FORBES, daughter of John FORBES 8th Lord Forbes and Janet SETON, in 1603.2 (Katherine FORBES was born in 1583 5 and died after 1637 6.)

  Marriage Notes:

"[....] after her (Lady Foulis') death he married my Lord Forbes daughter Katharin Forbess with whom he begat two sons and five daughters."

from Balbithan MS

"{....] one daughter, Katharine (Forbes), born in 1583, who married in 1603 William Gordon of Rothiemay, and had a very tragic life, her husband being murdered before her eyes"

from House of Forbes

"(Nathaniel Gordon, about 1634/1635) Ever a favourite with women, the dashing young cavalier was harboured by the lady of Rothiemay (nee Katherine Forbes), whose son had also been burned. She got nearly a year's imprisonment in Edinburgh for her trouble (being liberated in the autumn of 1637), but Nathaniel escaped and lived to fight another day."

from Gight 2 5 6


1 e-books, A Genealogical Deduction of the Family of Rose of Kilravock by Hew Rose and Lachlan Shaw (1848).

2 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 1 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1903) Balbithan MS.

3 Internet Site, http//:journals.scotantscot.org Beldorney Castle, Aberdeenshire: an early Z-plan tower house by H Gordon Slade.

4 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 1 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1903) Appendix to Preface A Sketch Bibliography of Gordon Genealogy.

5 e-books, The House of Forbes by Alistair and Henrietta Tayler (1937) Chapter VIII John 8th Lord Forbes.

6 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 1 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1903) Gight.

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