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LIVINGSTON, Alexander Earl of Linlithgow
(About 1561-1621)
HAY, Helenor
(1565-Before 1625)
DOUGLAS, William of Glenbervie, 10th Earl of Angus, Sir
(About 1554-1611)
OLIPHANT, Elizabeth
(About 1565-)
LIVINGSTON, Alexander 2nd Earl of Linlithgow, Admiral of the Scottish Fleet
(About 1587-After 1645)
(About 1593-)
(About 1630-1674)


Family Links

1. NICOLSON, Thomas of Carnock, 2nd Baronet, Sir

2. STIRLING, George of Keir, Sir
3. STIRLING, John of Keir, Sir

LIVINGSTON, Margaret 1

  • Born: About 1630
  • Marriage (1): NICOLSON, Thomas of Carnock, 2nd Baronet, Sir 1
  • Marriage (2): STIRLING, George of Keir, Sir 8 June 1666(proclamation) in Dunblane parish, Stirlingshire, Scotland 1 2 3
  • Marriage (3): STIRLING, John of Keir, Sir on 6 February 1668 in Stirling, Scotland 1
  • Died: 2 November 1674 1

   Other names for Margaret were LEVINGSTOWNE, Margaret 3 and LIVINGSTONE, Margaret.4

   User ID: A638.

Margaret married Sir Thomas NICOLSON of Carnock, 2nd Baronet, son of Sir Thomas NICOLSON of Carnock, advocate, 1st Baronet and Isabel HENDERSON.1 (Sir Thomas NICOLSON of Carnock, 2nd Baronet was baptised on 10 June 1628 in Edinburgh parish, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland 4 and died by 21 April 1665 5.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Margaret, married, first, to Sir Thomas Nicolson of Carnock ...."

from Scots Peerage (vol 5) 1

Margaret next married Sir George STIRLING of Keir 8 June 1666(proclamation) in Dunblane parish, Stirlingshire, Scotland.1 2 3 (Sir George STIRLING of Keir was born about 1613 and died in June 1667 1.)

  Marriage Notes:

348 10 / 407

from Index of Marriages

"Margaret, married .... secondly, as his fourth wife (names given up for proclamation 8 June 1666), to Sir George Stirling of Keir. He died in June 1667 ...."

from Scots Peerage (vol 5)

"Sir George (Stirling) married, fourthly, Lady Margaret Livingston : ' 1666 Junii 8, 'Sir George Stirling of Keir, Knycht, on the one part, within our paroch of Dunblane, and Lady Margaret Livingstoune, relict to the deceast Sir Thomas Nicolsone of Carnock, Knycht, on the other part, within Saint Ninian's paroch, gave up their names to be proclaimed with us in purpose to marriage.' "

from The Stirlings of Keir 1 2 3

Margaret next married Sir John STIRLING of Keir on 6 February 1668 in Stirling, Scotland.1 (Sir John STIRLING of Keir was born about 1620.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Margaret, married .... thirdly, at Stirling 6 February 1668, to Sir John Stirling of Keir, cousin once removed of her former husband. She died 2 November 1674."

from Scots Peerage (vol 5) 1


1 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 5 (1908).

2 e-books, The Stirlings of Keir and their family papers by William Fraser (1858).

3 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Marriages.

4 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Births and Baptisms.

5 GRO Scotland, https://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk/ Legal records - Wills and testaments.

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