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(About 1280-)
DE AUCHINLECK (OR AFFLECK), Intervening Generation (s)
(About 1325-)
AUCHINLECK, John of that Ilk (Forfarshire)
(About 1370-1466)


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1. Unknown

AUCHINLECK, John of that Ilk (Forfarshire) 1

  • Born: About 1370
  • Marriage (1): Unknown
  • Died: by 16 March 1466 1

   User ID: J738.

  General Notes:

"A.D. 1471.] [12 Jac. III.

1038. Apud ..... (location missing - previous s Edinburgh 8th August, following is Edinburgh 12 August)

REX confirmavit quandam evidentiam per David comitem de Craufiirde, &c., sub hac forma :-

[David Erle of Craufurde and Lord Lindissay to all, &c. :-

"Wit ye that forsamekle as we have considerit and sene how that our grantschir of gude myndo David Erle of Crawfurde and Lord Lindissay was bundin baith for him and airis baith be lettir and sole for to renew and declare the auld merchis and landimaris of Auchinlek bath in propirte and in comoon Hand within the Schirefdome of Forfare on ilkside quhare evir his landis reckit, and for favour and furthering of cure lovit cousing and squiere JHONNE OF AUCHINLEK of that ilk, eftir the grete hurtis and harmis that he and his fader has sufferit in default and delay of tho saidis landimaris undeclarit, and als for his service and manrent made and to be made til us for all the dais of his life, and syne for to discharge us and our grantschiris saule of the said band and obligacione maid be him, we saidly avisit with oure counsale undirwritin, that is to say - Tho. Ogilby of Clova, David Fothringhame of Poury, Michel of Dureham of the Grange, Patrik of Gardin of that ilk, Philip Lindessay of the Halch, Jhonne of Balbirny of Inverichty, Jhonne of Loure of that ilk and Thom of Fothringhame son and apperand are to the said David, has ridding and renewit the auld merchis and landimaris and merkis betuix oure landis of Downy and Auchinlek on the southside and betuix oure landis of Inverarite and it on the north side, concludit and declarit thaim on this vise ; - oure saide counsale beand the grete aith sworne to gif us lele and trow counsale eftir thare wittin in the declaracioune of the saidis landimaris, eftir the diligent exammacioune of the eldast folkis, than beand present with our counsal forsaid, the quhilk counsale and we decidit, determit, and deliverit - that we and our airis and successomis quhatsumevir, sal observe and kepe the landimaris takinnis and merkis undir wirtin, maide the day of this present write be us and our counsale ; - and the saide Johnne of Auchinlek and his aieris in favour and amyabill maner sall keipe thaim on the samyn wise, - that is to say the said Jhonne and his airis sall brouke and pessabill brouke withoute vexatioun, impediment or demand of us or of our airis for evir, - in the southwest pert fra the merchis of Estirbrichty as the burn rynnis este in Balgovisden to the south este furde of Auchinlek, and in the said burn anent the holl gate that cummys fra Downycane with stankin and intak of the said bum til his millis ane or ma quhon or quhare him likis, and fra the said southeste furde strikand north and estirly to the Harper-akirhadc and fra thynn to the burn well and sa furth as the strinde of it rynnis in the northburn like as it is proppit and merkit this said day, and quhare that north burn sekis in south upon him fredoume to strike it even furth quhare it was wont to rin, and safurth west on the northburn quhare it rynnis or has runnyn in auld tymes, - referrand fra the north burn again to the merchis of Estirbrichty lik as we proppit and merkit thare on the north west parte betuix the saidis landis of Auchinlek and Inverarite, notwithstandin the said Jhonne and his airis sall brouke comoun pastour and fewell aucht and wont in all our muris of Downy, that is to say in oure south mure of commonti, in oure este mure and in oure north mure to the burn of Kerbuthow quhareevir ony privelege of Downy rekis ourfurth, beand kepit fra all his induellaris of his land and tenendis, hisself and his aieris haffand to the use of it for thare houshald allenarly ; - hereattour we have considerit how the said Thome and his fadir has enterit in the saidis landis of Auchinlek be evident document and attentik instrument, contenit in it the King's breif of inquest direcit to the Schiref of Forfare to give him possessioun eftir the tenour of this retour undirwirtin - (Haec inquisitio facta apud Forfare coram Waltero Ogilby deputato Alesandri Ogilby vicecomitis de Forfare, 1 Feb. 1453, per hossubscriptos, viz. D. Joh Ogilby de Luntrethin, militem, Rob. Grahame de Ewisdale, David Dempstare de Caralstoun, Joh. Ogilby de eodem, WiI. Guthre de Lounan, Wil. Fentoune de Cukis-Kardin, Pat. de Gardin de eodem, Walt. Kay de Uchtirforfare, Joh. Carnecors de Balmachenar, David Heres de Dary, .Joh. Thorntoune de eodem, Jac. Ryndede Broxmounth, Joh. Wischarge de Ballindarg, Joh. Cullas de Menmure, David Neva, Joh. Guthre de Essy, Rob. de Fullartoun de Dunnune, Hen. Fethy de Balesek, et Pat. Annand de Melgound, - qui jurati dicunt quod Joh. quondam de Auchinlek pater dicti Joh. de A. obiit ultimo vestitus, &c., de terris de Auchinlek cum pertinentiis, vic. Forfare ; - et quod dictus Joh. est legitimus et propinquior heres ejusdem quondam Joh., &c, - et quod dicte terre valent nunc per annum 20 lib. et valuerunt tempore pacis 10 lib., et tenentur de rege per servitium unius denarii argenti, nomine albe firme, &c.): - Quharfor all thircausis and evidentis considerit and sene, and syne how our soverain Lord is cled with the superiorite of the said landis of A. baith in Parliament and in Justice - are, we for us and oure airis and successoris quhatsumevir ratifiis, approffis and consentis that the said Jhonne and his airis and successouris remain with the King and his successouris as thare ovirlordis of the said landis of A., &c, efter the form of the entre of him and his predecessouris in the said landis ; - oblisand us our airis, &c., quhatsumevir be thir our letres, that we sal nevir inquiete, vex, distruble the said Jhonne nor his successouris, na mak na clame of the superiorite of the saidis landis, bot we, our airis, &c., to be all utirly excludit for evirmare, be thir present letres, all fraude, &c., excludit and away put : - In witnes hereof, &c.: - At Auchinlek, 16 March, 1466, befor thir witnes, - Maister James Lindissay chantor of Murray, Thomas Ogilby of Clovay, David Fothringame of Poury, Michell of Durehame of the Grange, and sindry uther, and for the mare evidens we have subscrivit thir oure letres with oure aun hand (cetera desunt) ]

vii. 209."

from The Register of the Great Seal 1

John married.


1 e-books, The Register of the Great Seal of Scotland vol 2 1424-1513 ed. J. Balfour Paul & J.M. Thomson (1883).

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