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STRACHAN, Alexander 7th of Glenkindie
(About 1595-Before 1675)
FRASER, Margaret
(About 1603-)
STRACHAN, Michael of Auchnagatt
(About 1621-Before 1694)
(About 1650-)


Family Links

1. CLERK, Janet

STRACHAN, John 2 3

  • Born: About 1650
  • Marriage (1): CLERK, Janet on 25 March 1677 in Boharm parish, Banffshire, Scotland 1

   Other names for John were STRACHAN, Jon,1 3 STRAGHAN, Jon.,3 STRAQN, John,4 STRAQUHAN, John,2 5 STRAQUHAN, Johne and STRAQUHINE, John.5

   User ID: X640.

  General Notes:

In the "List of the Heretors in Strathdon and above Towie who have given Bond to the Commissioners of Justiciary for the peaceable behaviour of their men", and specifically in the "list of men given up by them" for Aberdeenshire in 1699
under the name of
"Alexr. Straquhan of Glenkindie"
is found the entry:
"Michael Strachan in Cottoun
John Straqn thr
Joseph Clerk thrJames Milard thr
George Dasson thr
Pat ffinie in Dalforsack
John Greme thr
Jas. Smith thr
Charles Straq" in Old Morlich
John Gordon thr
Wm. Yeild th'
John Watt thr
Wm. Clerk th'
Duncan Callem in Cottoun".

Exercise of Alford deals with affairs of the Presbytery of Alford in the seventeenth century. There are several references to John Strachan.

The matter concerned the parish minister of Cabrach, The Reverend Mr John Irvine, whose relationship with his parishioners had broken down. After some long period of investigation he was suspended and later deposed.

In the account of the process against him a 'John Straquhan of Glenbucket' is referred to several times, along with some members of the Clerk family who were related to John by marriage.

"Alfoord Apryl 12, 1671 Thomas Stuart in Cabrach was delait by the minister for removing a dask..... The forsaid Thomas Stuart and others gave in severall complaints against Mr. John Irving, against which Mr. John protested that they might not be heard, and did back his protestation with ane appeal to the Bishop, declaring he would not own us any longer for a judicatiorie. In the meanwhile he did delait one John Straquhan for speaking in the church to some on the Lord's day immediately preceeding Christmas, in the tym of divyn service, being sumoned to this day compeired, and denyed, wherupon Mr. John was ordained to sumond wittnesses."

"Alfoord August 14, 1671. Another letter was presented from the Bishop, relating to Mr. John Irving and his parishioners, to which the moderator was ordained to return ane answer, and Mr. John Irving being posed anent John Straquhan, answered that what he had to say against him was contained in his libell."

"At Alford Febr: 28, 1672. Mr. John Irvine gave in a literall sumonds against Jannet Roy, Thomas Stewart, Alexander Stewart, John Marno, William Stewart, Christian Morice, James Morice, James Millar, John Strachan, Jannet Couper, and William Robertsone, who being called compeired not. He is appoynted to cause sumond them to the nixt dyet sub poena contumaciae."

"At Alfoord March 5, 1673. Mr. John Irvine, minister of Cabrach, sent a lyne to the Presbytrie, shewing that Jannet Roy, Thomas Stewart, Alexander Stewart, John Marno, William Stewart, Christian Morice, James Morice, James Millar, John Strachan, Jannet Couper, and William Robertsone, were literallie sumoned to this day sub poena contumaciae, as was formerlie appoynted by the Presbytrie, but the Presbytrie did forbear to call them, in regard nothing could be done anent them, untill Mr. John Irving were present, to instruct what he had to lay to their charge."

At Cabrach April 23, 1673. The Presbytrie being mett, Mr. John Irving and Alexander Stewart being called, compeired, and Alexander Stewart gave in the exccutiones of literall sumonds given to the witnesses after following viz. John Clerk in Reedford, Alexander Robertson in Belchilie, John Mackanla in Lesmurdic, John Smith in Ardwell, James Thomson in Over-Charrach, Robert Clerk in Netherhowbog, John Roy and James Kellis in Brackla, John Scot in Oldownie, James Clerk in Howbog, John Gordoune in Larg, James Gordoune in Ennercharrach, all within the parochine of Cabrach, and William Couper and John Strachan in the parochine of Glenbucket, and Alexander Couper in the parochine of Keirne, who being called, all compeired, and Mr. John Irving being desyred to give in exceptioncs (if he had any) against any of these persones, why they might not be admitted wittnesses against him in this matter, did except against John Clerk, John Mackanla, John Smith, James Thomson, James Clerk, and James Gordoune, who were all rejected as wittnesses against the said Mr. John, but had nothing to object against any of the rest, they first giving their oath de calumnia, which, in his hearing, they did, and afterwards being sworn, both parties and wittnesses were removed, and witnesses called in as followes, John Gordoune being under oath proved the lybell in terminis. Alaster Couper, being under oath, proved the lybell in terminis. William Couper, being under oath, proved the lybell in terminis. John Strachan, being under oath, nihil probat."

from Exercise of Alford< 2

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Witness: at baptism of Isobel, daughter of Laird of Glenkindie, 8 September 1674, Strathdon parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. 5

2. Witness: at baptism of his nephew Michael, 1697, Strathdon parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. 5

John married Janet CLERK on 25 March 1677 in Boharm parish, Banffshire, Scotland.1 (Janet CLERK was born about 1655.)

  Marriage Notes:

128/A 10 274

from Index of Marriages

Old Parish Registers
Boharm parish Moray
Marriages (indexed as 1677)

"25 march Jon Strachan and Janet Clerk were married" 1


1 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Marriages.

2 e-books, Records of the Meeting of the Exercise of Alford 1662-1688 edited by Thomas Bell (1897).

3 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Births and Baptisms.

4 e-books, Historical papers Relating to the Jacobite Period 1699-1750 ed. James Allardyce (1895).

5 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Strathdon parish Aberdeenshire Baptisms.

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