GRANT, Margaret
- Born: About 1767
- Marriage (1): GORDON, John in West Blairfindy, then in Tomnavoulin 1
- Died: 13 July 1844 1
Other names for Margaret were GORDON, Margaret 1 and GRANT, Margt.2 3
User ID: J526.
Noted events in her life were:
1. Sponsor: at baptism of great-grandson William Gordon Grant, 9 January 1833, at Nether Dounan, in RC parish of Tombae, Banffshire. 4
Margaret married John GORDON in West Blairfindy, then in Tomnavoulin, son of William GORDON of Bogfoutain, at Auchorachan, Jacobite 1745 and Margaret STEWART.1 (John GORDON in West Blairfindy, then in Tomnavoulin was born in 1742 in Glenrinnes, Banffshire, Scotland 5, baptised on 12 September 1742 in Aberlour parish, Banffshire, Scotland 3 5 and died on 6 July 1831 1.)
Marriage Notes:
"John Gordon in Tomnavoulin got £300 under his father's will. Light is thrown on him in a document, written by Mr Alexander Thomson, schoolmaster in Mortlach, and subscribed at Hardhaugh, March 1. 1792, before Robert Grant at Mains of Morange, and William Gordon in Lettoch, and recorded at Elgin, December 3, 1792: -
'The parties following, viz. John Gordon in Tomnavoolan on the first part, Robert Gordon in Castletown on the second part, and Charles Gordon in Achorrachan on the third part - all children of the deceased William Gordon, some time in Achorrachan, and brothers german of the also deceased Ensign William Gordon, last of Bogfouton, considering that by an agreement entered into betwixt them by a letter dated at Achorrachan the eighth day of December 1791, said agreement being entered into and proceeding upon the assertion of the said John Gordon in Tomnavoolan to be supported and proven by the evidence of Robert Stewart in Deskie and Gavin Stewart in Dounan, who were said to be witnesses to a communing betwixt said John Gordon in Tomnavoolan and his deceased brother Ensign William Gordon relative to the transaction about which this submission is entered into : we, the said Robert and Charles, became bound to make payment to the said John Gordon in Tomnavoulin of the sum of £200 sterling at the term of Whitsunday, and that in proportion, to the different sums legated and bequeathed to us by the said deceased Ensign William Gordon, our brother, me the said John Gordon always bearing a proportion of the said sum of £200 offering to the sum legated and bequeathed to me by the said William Gordon, and the said parties being desirous to have the proportion falling to be paid by each of them according to their several legacies fixed and ascertained they . . submit and refer to William Grant in Tombreckachy and the Rev. George Gordon, minister of Mortlach, arbiters mutually chosen, and in case they differ in opinion to Lieut. Thomas Stewart in Pittyvaich, oversman hereby appointed. . . .'
The arbiters by decreet dated April 30, 1792, appointed Robert to pay £47 12s 6d, and Charles £142 17s 6d, the balance (£9 10s) being John's proportion. John died on July 6, 1831, aged 92 (stone in Mortlach Churchyard). His widow, 'Margaret Gordon,' died July 13, 1844, in her 78th year."
from Gordons of Minmore
"John Gordon had married Margaret Grant ( d.1844, in her 78th year), of the family of Grant of Wester Blairfindy, and would claim that his father, of whom he was the eldest son, disinherited him because of the marriage.[....]
John Gordon's bride, Margaret, was the daughter of Alexander Grant in Tomnavoulin (d.1791, aged 68), and a niece of James Grant (d.1791), another of the messengers-at-arms in Glenlivet in the 1750s. (James's year of birth is unknown, but he was old enough in 1729 to have been witnessing a legal deed.)"
from Mergers in Messengery 1 6