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FRASER, William of Techmuiry
(About 1532-)
GORDON, Margaret
(About 1539-)
HAY, Gilbert of Perkyock
(About 1533-)
FRASER, Michael 2nd of Techmuiry
(About 1569-1635)
HAY, Margaret
(About 1572-)
FRASER, William O. Carm., Brother
(About 1596-1661)


Family Links

FRASER, William O. Carm., Brother 1 2

  • Born: About 1596
  • Died: 8 February 1661 1
  • Buried: 10 February 1661, Carmelite Church, Place Maubert, Paris, France 3

   User ID: F407.

  General Notes:

"After that (about 1606) the property (Memsie) appears to have passed by some means to a branch of the Techmuiry family, for in 1635 William Fraser of Memsie is designated third lawful son of umquhile Mr. Michael Fraser, sometime in Techmuiry ; and his descendants appear to have possessed the jMemsie estate until 1810"

from Frasers of Philorth

"Another Descendent of the Family of Philorth about this Time was one William Fraser who was received into the Scots College at Paris, July 1 1611, and he signs himself in his own Handwriting of the University Gulielmus Fraser Philorthiensis. After the ordinary Course of Studies, he was made Master of Arts, where he was long a Professor, and frequently elected Procurator of the Scots and German nations. The learned gentleman, by whose Favours these memoirs of Mr Fraser were communicated to me, says, he was esteemed one of the best Humanists of his Time, and was also well skilled in Mathematicks. He died on the 8th of February 1661, and was on the Tenth thereafter interred in the Church of the Carmelites of Placemawbert."

from Crawfurd

"Crawfurd mentions that a William Fraser, who, on being received into the Scots College at Paris, 1st July 1611, signed himself 'Gulielmus Fraser Philorthiensis,' was distinguished for his learning at the University there; and dying on the 8th of February 1661, was buried in the Church of the Carmelites in the Place Maubert. Memoranda in the Charter-room at Philorth suggest that he was a younger son of the second Laird of Techmuiry, and grandson to the first of that family."

from Frasers of Philorth 1 2 3


1 Internet Site, The Frasers of Philorth vol.2 by Alexander Fraser (1879).

2 e-books, The Frasers of Philorth vol.2 by Alexander Fraser (1879).

3 Internet Site, The Lives and Characters of the Officers of the Crown, and of the state in Scotland vol.1 by George Crawfurd (1726).

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