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LUMSDEN, Robert 7th of Cushnie
(About 1625-)
LEITH, Agnes
(About 1625-)
GORDON, John of Auchlyne
(About 1590-)
GORDON, Daughter
(About 1605-)
LUMSDEN, John of Auchindoir
(About 1647-)
LUMSDEN, Harry of Auchindoir, then 10th of Cushnie, Jacobite 1715
(About 1685-1754)


Family Links

1. Unknown

2. GORDON, Katherine
3. FOULIS, Margaret

LUMSDEN, Harry of Auchindoir, then 10th of Cushnie, Jacobite 1715 2

  • Born: About 1685, Kildrummy parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
  • Marriage (1): Unknown
  • Marriage (2): GORDON, Katherine on 28 August 1720 in Rathven parish, Banffshire, Scotland 1 2 3
  • Marriage (3): FOULIS, Margaret in 1736 2
  • Died: 7 June 1754 2
  • Buried: 10 June 1754, Kildrummy Churchyard, Aberdeenshire, Scotland 2 4

   Other names for Harry were LUMSDEN, Harie,3 LUMSDEN, Harrie,1 LUMSDEN, Harry of Cushnie,4 LUMSDEN, Harry and LUMSDEN, Hary.

   User ID: K504.

  Research Notes:


Jean Gordon, daughter of the Laird of Knockespock, is said to have been linked to the song by Robert Burns called "My Harry was a Gallant Gay" or "Highland Harry". Her husband is also said to have been a Gordon, some say of Rhynie, others of Avochie. The Harry Lumsdale of the tale is linked with Harry Lumsden of Auchindoir then 10th of Cushnie. If he was the gallant, then the Jean Gordon, born in 1739, was born too late to have been his lover when they were both young. It could of course have been an earlier Jean Gordon, niece of his mother Agnes Gordon, but as yet we have no firm information.

Harry married.

Harry next married Katherine GORDON, daughter of George GORDON 6th of Buckie, Jacobite 1715 and Jean BURNET, on 28 August 1720 in Rathven parish, Banffshire, Scotland.1 2 3 (Katherine GORDON was born about 1702, died on 22 August 1733 4 and was buried in Kildrummy Churchyard, Aberdeenshire, Scotland 4.)

  Marriage Notes:

164 20 / 12

from Index of Marriages

"31 July 1720 Harrie Lumsden in Parish of Cushnie [Leochel-Cushnie]to Katherine Gordon lawful daughter to George Gordon of Buckie entered ther Proclamations and were married August 28? [Vol.2 p.9]."

from Rathven OPR marriages

"In 1720 he (Henry Lumsden) married Catherine, daughter of George Gordon of Buckie, and henceforward his life was comparatively uneventful."

"By his first wife Harry had two sons and three daughters ; by his second marriage he had no children. His eldest son, John, succeeded him. Matthew, the second, died without issue. The daughters were - Jean, married to Burnett of Campfield ; Catharine, married to Richard Falconer; and Margaret, who married Hugh M'Veagh, a linen manufacturer in Huntly. He belonged to an old Irish family (the M'Veaghs of Drewstown, County Meath"

from Families of Lumsden 1 2 3

Harry next married Margaret FOULIS in 1736.2 (Margaret FOULIS was born about 1697.)

  Marriage Notes:

" .... his (Harry Lumsden's) first wife was dead (she died in 1733), and he had married, in 1736, Margaret Foulis, the widow of Peter Gordon of Abergeldie. As she was the sister of Sir Archibald Foulis of Dunipace, who was executed at Carlisle in 1746, we can hardly be wrong in supposing that she was as ardent a Jacobite as her brother."

from Families of Lumsden 2


1 Internet Site, Rathven Old Parish Register, Vol.2: Marriages, at http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/sheena_charles/R_Marrs1.htm.

2 e-books, Memorials of the Families of Lumsdaine, Lumisden or Lumsden by H.W. Lumsden (1889).

3 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Marriages.

4 e-books, Donean Tourist: Giving an Account of the Battles, Castles, Gentlemen's Seats, Families with Their Origin, Armorial Ensigns ... with Anecdotes ... Ballads by Alexander Laing.

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