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MIDDLETON, Elizabeth
(About 1615-1666)


Family Links

1. STRACHAN, William Minister of St Machar's parish (Old Machar), Regent at King's College, Aberdeen, Reverend Mr

MIDDLETON, Elizabeth

  • Born: About 1615
  • Marriage (1): STRACHAN, William Minister of St Machar's parish (Old Machar), Regent at King's College, Aberdeen, Reverend Mr 1
  • Died: 30 January 1666, Tarves Manse, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

   Another name for Elizabeth was MIDLETOUNE, Elspet.2

   User ID: F373.

  General Notes:

28 MAY 1649.

The said day annent ane wrong done be James Law in vronging the croft being skanderit be James Jamesone servitor to the said James Law and being delaitit be him the delatione being that the said James Law hed wrongit Elspet Midletoune spous to Mr Williame Strauq minister in old Abd. in vorking sowme luning clothe givne be the said elspet to the said James Law to work and that the said James Law heid tein sowme yearne of the said Elspet her vob and maid servitis to himself The said probane therof being referrit to George Donnald and Johne Walker than servants to the said James Law the said James Law nothing saying againes the said vitnessis They being sworne ilk ane of thame declairit the delaine to be trewe Lykas the said Elspet Middeltone in pns. of Johne Forbes bailzie and in pns. of her husband and in pns. of Thomas Angus deacane Andrew Youngsone Gilbert Robertsone William Wobster quarter maisters the said Elspet declairit all that vas done wrong be the said James Law vas done be her awine consent, In respect qrof the deacane (wt consent of the haill croftis the members therof) decernit the said James Law to pey to the said croft Ten merkis in present money and never to have plaice in the croft as ane deacane quarter maister or any wther place of the croft therof during the spaice of fouryeirs nixt coming for the skandell done be the said James Law to the croft. I 89."

from Records of Old Aberdeen 2

Elizabeth married Reverend Mr William STRACHAN Minister of St Machar's parish (Old Machar), Regent at King's College, Aberdeen.1 (Reverend Mr William STRACHAN Minister of St Machar's parish (Old Machar), Regent at King's College, Aberdeen was baptised about 1610 and died on 8 March 1653.)

  Marriage Notes:

(at Methlick in 1635)

"William Strachan, M.A.; pres. March 1635; trans, (by order of the Synod) to Old Machar 29th Nov.1640."

(at Old Machar in 1640)

"William Strachan, born 1610, eldest son of Arthur S., son and heir of Sir Alexander S. of Thornton, Knight (see note below); educated at King's College, Aberdeen; M.A. (1628); became Regent and Procurator-Moraviensis there, 30th June 1634; adm. to Methlick in 1635; was a member of Assembly in 1639; trans, and adm. 29th Nov. 1640; elected to Edinburgh 6th Nov. 1643, 13th July 1647, and 17th and 29th March 1648, but refused to accept any of these calls; died 8th March 1653. 'He was learned and of good life,' while he taught 'powerfullie and planelie the Word to the gryt comfort of his auditores' and was 'one of the best pastores that hes bene sene in this church thir many yeiris.' He marr. Elizabeth Middleton, who died at Tarves Manse, 30th Jan.1666, and had issue Andrew, died young; Patrick, M.A.(King's College, 1656), app. Master of the Grammar School, Aberdeen, 16th July 1656 [he is called min. of Maxton in Morland Simpson's Records of the Grammar School, but this is a mistake]; John, min. of Tarves; and Principal (see note below) of the Univ. of Edinburgh; George, min. of this parish; Arthur, min. of Mortlach. [Monteith's Mort., 130 ; Lyon Register; Spalding's Hist., 351.]"

from Fasti Ecclesiae (vol 6)

(at Old Machar in 1640)

"WIilliam Strachan, had issue - Alexander, bapt. 7th Nov. 1641; William, bapt. 23rd Jan. 1643; Arthur, bapt. 3rd March 1644, buried 26th Feb. 1645."

from Fasti Ecclesiae (vol 8)


"Arthur" is listed as fourth of eight sons of "John Strachan of Thornton" and "Isobell Livingston" in the
Appendix to Memorials of the Scottish Families of Strachan and Wise (1877). The information, labelled No. II. is sourced from Macfarlane's Genealogical Collection, MS. (circa1735) vol ii.

No other supporting evidence has been found for thi Arthur, or any son by that name, of any laird named Sir Alexander Strachan of Thornton.

1 3


1 e-books, Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae vol. 8 Addenda and Corrigenda by Hew Scott (1950).

2 e-books, Records of Old Aberdeen 1157-[1903] vol.1 by A. M. Munro (1899).

3 e-books, Memorials of the Families of Strachan and Wise by Charles Rogers (1877) Appendix No II. Memorial of the Antient family of Strachan, more particularly of the House of Thornton).

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