User ID: H978. Janet married Sir James BALFOUR of Denmylne and Kinnaird, Baronet, son of Sir Michael BALFOUR of Denmylne, Comptroller of the household of Charles I and Joanna DURHAM.1 (Sir James BALFOUR of Denmylne and Kinnaird, Baronet was born about 1600 and died in February 1657 1.) Marriage Notes: "Sir James (Balfour) concluded an industrious, and, it would appear, a most blameless life, in February, 1657, when he must have been about sixty years of age. He had been four times married: 1st, to Anna Aiton .... 2d, to Jean Durham ....3d, to Margaret Arnot .... 4th, to Janet Auchinleck, daughter of Sir William Auchinleck of Balmanno, by whom he had two daughters." |
1 e-books, A Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen by Robert Chambers and Thomas Thomson vol. 1 Half-vol. 1 Sir James Balfour (1875).
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