GORDON, James 1
- Born: About 1630
- Died: 1645 1
Cause of his death was murdered.1
User ID: B563.
General Notes:
James Gordon was murdered at an early age:
"James. On May 5, 1645, there was a skirmish between Montrose and Hurry, whom the marquis had pursued 'over Spey,' and in this affair James Gordon, 'sone to George Gordoun of Rynnie wes sore hurt. He is convoyit to the Strudderis, ane freind of his awin, to ly whill he sould be cureit, and had ane gentilman callit Gordoun to attend him. Bot Major Sutherland aduerteisses the young Laird Innes that he wes lying at this hous, who rashlie and vnadysedlie send out ane pairty, viz., Capiten Smyth, Alexander Douglass, Mr. Johne Douglass, and John Mill, all Elgyn men, with sum vtheris, and cruellie thay mvrder this young gentilman lying sore woundit, and left his keiper also for death. This wes thocht ane odious deid, barbarouss and inhumane, this youth not passing 18 yeires of aige, whiche wes weill revengit be Montross at Olderne and bigging of Elgyne.' "
from House of Gordon 1