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HAMILTON, John of Udston
(About 1520-1568)
DALZELL, Margaret
(About 1520-)
HAMILTON, William 5th of Udston
(About 1545-)
HAMILTON, John 6th of Udston
(About 1565-Before 1629)


Family Links

1. MUIRHEAD, Margaret

HAMILTON, John 6th of Udston 1 2

  • Born: About 1565
  • Marriage (1): MUIRHEAD, Margaret 20 April 1593(charter) 1
  • Died: Before 5 December 1629 3

   Another name for John was HAMILTOUN, Johnne of Uddiestoun.3

   User ID: Z778.

  General Notes:

"According to the testament of 'Johnne Hamiltoun of Vdistone':

'To James Hamilton, his sone, jaj iijc xxxiij li. Conforme to ane contract of mariage maid betuixt thame, on the ane pairt, and vmqle Robert Hamilton of Bornecluche & Margaret Hamilton, his dochter, now spous to ye said James, &c. And pt he may be mair suirlie satisfeit prof I have maid assignaoun to him of certane victuall, abouew'tin of ye fruitis and dewties, &c. of ye croppis and yearis of God Jaj vjc & twentie sax, and Jaj vjc and twentie seven yearis.
Item, To James and William Hamiltounes, his oyes, sones to vmqle Johne Hamiltone, his eldest lautful sone, gottin betuix him and Helein Quhytfuird, his spous, ijaj vjc lxvj li…
Legacie. \endash At Cultnes, the ffourt day of Maij, the yeir of God Jaj vjc ---
Item, I leive and nominat Margaret Mrheid, my spous, and Johne Hamiltone, my oye, sone to ye said vmqle Johne Hamiltone, my eldest sone, my onlie exris'."

from Mother Bedford website

of Uddiestoun, parish of Bothwell
Glasgow Commissary Court

from Wills and Testaments 1 3

John married Margaret MUIRHEAD, daughter of Sir James MUIRHEAD elder, 7th of Lauchope and Janet HAMILTON of Bothwellhaugh, 20 April 1593(charter).1 (Margaret MUIRHEAD was born about 1564 and died before 4 January 1638 3.)

  Marriage Notes:

"John of Udston, who had a charter 'Joanni Hamilton de Udston, filio et haeredi Willielmi,' of a tenement and garden in Hamilton, 20 April 1593. He married Margaret, daughter of James Muirhead of Lachop, in Lanarkshire, by Janet, sister of James Hamilton of Bothwellhaugh, who killed the Regent Murray. By her he had issue"

from Scots Peerage (vol 2)

"The youngest daughter of James and Janet (Hamilton) Muirhead, Margaret, married John Hamilton, 6th of Udstoun circa 1592.(1.64) It is said that they had many descendants which included the Hamiltons of Udston (variously, Udston, Vdstone or Vdistone), the Hamiltons of Barncluth, the Hamiltons of Rosehall and Wishaw, and the Lord Belhaven. "

from Mother Bedford website 1 2


1 Internet Site, https://www.motherbedford.com/Muirhead109.htm James Muirhead of Lauchope.

2 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 2 (1905).

3 National Records of Scotland, https://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk Legal records - Wills and testaments.

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