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FORBES, William of Craigievar, Baronet, Sir
(About 1610-1648)
MURRAY, Bathia
(About 1621-)
YOUNG, Peter of Auldbar
(About 1610-After 1670)
FORBES, John of Craigievar, 2nd Baronet, 'Red Sir John', Sir
(About 1636-)
YOUNG, Margaret
(About 1644-)
FORBES, Bathia
(About 1665-Between 1731)


Family Links

1. GARDEN, Alexander 2nd of Troup

FORBES, Bathia 1 2 3

  • Born: About 1665, Scotland
  • Marriage (1): GARDEN, Alexander 2nd of Troup in 1686
  • Died: Between 27 and 28 April 1731, Gamrie Parish, Banffshire, Scotland 2 4

   User ID: X821.

  General Notes:

"Caledonian Mercury 04 May 1731.
'We hear from the North that Alexander Garden of Troop esq. in the 77th year of his age and his Lady also in very advanced age both departed this life Tuesday last the 27th April at their seat of Troop in Banffshire.' "

from Wikitree

"As a country house dweller in Gardenstown, Banffshire for more than 30 years, I have always taken a keen interest in the local Kirk of St John, the burial place of Major Alexander Garden, 1st Laird of Troup and his son Alexander Garden, 2nd Laird of Troup and their wives Betty Strachan, daughter of Alexander Strachan of Glenkindy, and Bathia Forbes, daughter of Sir John Forbes of Craigievar....
These two seventeenth century stones are of huge importance to the history of the village of Gardenstown and should not be lost....
The legends are :
'Here lyes interred the bodye of Major Alexandre Garden of Troupe, who departed this life March 1682 (?), and Alexander garden of Troupe, his son, who departed this life Aprile 27th 1731'
'Here lyes interrd the bodies of Betty Strachan spouse to Major Alexander Garden of Troup who departed this life .....( indecipherable) and Bathia Forbes spouse to Alexander Garden of Troup who departed this life....... Not all clear .' "

from Eileen Bishop quoted in Wikitree

"Here lyes interr'd the bodies of BESSY STRACHAN, spouse to Major Alexander Garden of Troupe, who departed this life .. and
Mistress BATHIA FORBES, spouse to Alexander Garden of Troup who departed this life Aprile 28th 1731."

from Find A Grave website 2 5

Bathia married Alexander GARDEN 2nd of Troup, son of Major Alexander GARDEN of Troup and Betty STRACHAN, in 1686. (Alexander GARDEN 2nd of Troup was born about 1662 and died on 27 April 1731 in Gamrie Parish, Banffshire, Scotland 4.)


1 Internet Site, https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Garden-179 Sources cited on the website.

2 Internet Site, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/172683494/bathia-garden.

3 e-books, History of the Parish of Banchory Devenick by John A. Henderson (1890).

4 Internet Site, https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Garden-179 - Sources cited on the website.

5 Internet Site, https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Forbes-2648- Sources cited on the website.

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