Another name for Violet was JOHNSTOUN, Violat.1 2 User ID: J214. General Notes: "[...] and that the said Elizabeth hir mother wes Violat Johnstoun, dochter to the laird of Caskiben." Violet married Patrick CHALMER Sheriff-Clerk of Banff, son of Alexander CHALMER of Balnacraig and Daughter PANTON.1 (Patrick CHALMER Sheriff-Clerk of Banff was born about 1550.) Marriage Notes: "[....] and that the said Elizabeth Chalmer wes lauchfull dochter to ymquhill Patrik Chalmer, shirreff clerk of Banff, and that the said vrnquhill Patrik his father wes laird of Balnacraig, and that the said Elizabeth hir mother wes Violat Johnstoun, dochter to the laird of Caskiben, and that the said Violat Johnstoun hir mother wes dochter to the laird Delgatie Hay, and that the said vmquhill Patrik Chalmer his mother wes dochter to the laird of Petmedden Fantoun. Quhairvpon the baillies foirsaid ordanit ane testimoniall to be drawin vp vnder the touns secreit seall, in forme as effeirs " |
1 e-books, Birth Brieves from the Registers of the Burgh of Aberdeen 1637 - 1705 in The Miscellany of the Spalding Club volume 5.
2 e-books, The Annals of Banff compiled by William Cramond.
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