HAY, John younger, of Echres 1
User ID: C748.
General Notes:
"BC/2/79 1721 Precept of Clare Constat by Charles Hay of Rannes, superior of the lands of Rannachie, in favour of John Hay, now of Echres as eldest lawful son of deceased John Hay of Echres, on an annualrent of £102 Scots furth of the toun and lands of Rannachie, Barony and Parish of Rathven, Banffshire"
"BC/2/80 1721 Sasine in favour of John Hay of Echres following on from Precept of Clare Constat [BC/2/79] " "BC/2/81 1721 Renunciation and Grant of Redemption by John Hay of Echres to Charles Hay of Rannas" "BC/2/82 1721 Instrument of Resignation and Remanentiam in favour of Charles Hay of Rannas by John Hay of Echres" "BC/2/83 1721 Consent and Ratification by Mr George Hay and others in favour of Charles Hay of Rannes"
from Records of the County of Banff 1