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STRACHAN, Alexander
(About 1520-)
(About 1550-)
STRACHAN, John Skipper and Burgess of Aberdeen
(About 1565-Before 1649)
(About 1580-)


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  • Baptised: 13 May 1610, Saint Nicholas parish, Aberdeen, Scotland

   Another name for John was STRACHEN, Jon.

  General Notes:

"Ye heard before how the queen went over to Holland, in company with her daughter, with whom went John Strachan, skipper Strachan's son of our burgh of Aberdeen, who was born, bred and brought up within the said town. This John Strachan is a brave mariner, and stout cavalier; he got charge from his majesty of one of the king's yachts, having 24 brazen pieces upon her, to follow the queen to Holland, and to attend her service.

Now the parliament seeing the king daily to stand out, and not to yield to their wills, and fearing this Strachan's employment was not for nought, they therefore sent to him where he was lying, and summoned him to return, with his ship and goods, back to the parliament, under pain of death. He answered, his charge, was frae his majesty, and when he commanded him, he should obey. The king gets word of this charge; whereupon he sends command, under the pain of hanging, that he the said John Strachan should give no obedience to any charge coming from the parliament for that purpose, whilk he gladly obeyed. Then they summoned him a second time, and the king gave a second countermand; whereupon the parliament sends out four of the king's royal ships, two to ly at the mouth of the river Humber, and two to ly at the mouth of the river \emdash by one of which ways they by the Hollanders were surely advised, this Strachan behoved to go, and was hastily to come to England. But the parliamentarians resolved, before he came that length, to have him quick, or dead; of all which Strachan has good intelligence, and resolves to take the sea. He had with him on shipboard the lord Digby and William Murray, who had gone over with the queen, and resolved now to return back with Strachan to England.

Well, to the sea goes Strachan; two of the kings ships follows, betwixt whom there was some fight; the other two likewise follows, whilk Strachan espying, and finding himself unable to defend against them all four, made choice to take flight; and being speedier under sail, for that she was of less burden than any of the other four, goes soundly and safely frae them by plain speed, for he was well acquainted with all the sands, creeks, and holes upon the English coast, whereby he wisely took his advantage, and hastily run her ashore, where the great ships durst not follow. Well, he takes out his cannon, and mounts them upon land; he plants his muskets so, that no one pinnace nor boat durst come near his ship, albeit they were sent after him, but were dung back again, both by cannon and musket; in the mean time, Strachan sent word to the king of his landing (who was within 18 miles distance) who hastily sends a guard, conveys the lord Digby, William Murray, himself, and about other 100 persons, to his majesty. They took order with the cannon, muskets, and ammunition, and let the ship ly still there.

There came in this ship great sums of money, by the queen's moyan as was said, together with arms for ten thousand men, ammunition and cannon, whereof his majesty was very joyful, received Strachan (whom the parliament had declared traitor for his disobedience) and for his brave service knighted him with his own hand, to the great honour of the burgh of Aberdeen, being one of our townsmen born. "

from The History of the Troubles 1624-1645 1


1 e-books, Memorialls of the Trubles in Scotland and in England AD 1624-AD1645 by John Spalding (1790-92).

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