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BRODIE, Joseph of Muiresk
(About 1670-)
ROBERTSON, James of Bishop-mill, Provost of Elgin
(About 1715-)
(About 1736-1826)
BRODIE, Kathrine


Family Links

1. GORDON, William Minister of Elgin parish, Reverend Mr

BRODIE, Kathrine 3

  • Baptised: 31 October 1773, Elgin parish, Moray, Scotland 3
  • Marriage (1): GORDON, William Minister of Elgin parish, Reverend Mr on 8 August 1793 in Saint Nicholas parish, Aberdeen, Scotland 1 2
  • Died: 24 October 1840 1

   Other names for Kathrine were BRODIE, Catharine 3 and BRODIE, Catherine.1 2 3 4

   User ID: A861.

  General Notes:

135/ 40 249

from Births and Baptisms 3

Kathrine married Reverend Mr William GORDON Minister of Elgin parish, son of James GORDON Merchant in Garmouth and Margaret CRUIKSHANK, on 8 August 1793 in Saint Nicholas parish, Aberdeen, Scotland.1 2 (Reverend Mr William GORDON Minister of Elgin parish was born on 1 February 1752 1, baptised on 3 February 1752 in Speymouth parish, Moray, Scotland 3 and died on 19 September 1837 1.)

  Marriage Notes:

168/A 140 374

from Index of Marriages

(at Elgin in 1788)

"William Gordon, born Garmouth, 1st Feb. 1752, son of James G., merchant, Garmouth; educated at King's College, Aberdeen; M.A. (28th March 1771); licen. by Presb. of Elgin 28th March 1776; ord. missionary at Enzie 30th July that year; pres. by George III. 6th March, and adm. to Junior Charge 26th Aug. 1784; became senior min. 8th Jan. 1788; app. chaplain to the 92nd Foot (Gordon Highlanders) in 1794, and also held for a time the chaplaincy of the 100th Foot; died 19th Sept. 1837.

He marr. 8th Aug. 1793, Catherine (died 24th Oct. 1840), youngest daugh. of James Brodie of Muiresk, and had issue James, born 15th May 1794, died a student of divinity, 12th Oct. 1814; John, surgeon, H.E.I.C.S., born 19th May 1795, killed in an engagement with Arabs at Beni-Boo-Ali, in the Persian Gulf, 2nd March 1821; Margaret, born 29th Sept. 1796, died 23rd Nov. 1842; Maria, born Jun 1798, died 28th Dec. 1833; Peter, born 5th Aug. 1799; Helen, born 20th Sept.1801, died 5th May 1836; Ann, born 9th Sept. 1803 (marr. John Allan, min. of Peterculter); Catherine, born 28th Sept. 1805, died 7th March 1807; Alexander, writer, Sheriff-Substitute of Sutherland(1836-52),born 29th May 1808, died in America;William Grant, born 21st April 1810, died at Hastings, 3rd Feb. 1831; Adam, born 11th Oct. 1812, died at Richmond Estate, Island of St Vincent, 23rd March 1832."

from Fasti Ecclesiae

"1784. William Gordon, A.M., some time missionary at Enzie, admitted 26th August this year. He was appointed chaplain to the Gordon Highlanders in 1794, and for some time was also chaplain to the 100th Regiment of Foot. He died 19th September, 1837, in the eighty sixth year of his age, and sixty-second of his ministry. He married 8th August, 1793, Catherine Brodie, who died 24th October, 1840, by whom, among others, he had a son Alexander, Sheriff of Sutherland, and Ann, who married the Rev. John Allan, minister of Peterculter."

from Annals of Elgin 1 2 5


1 e-books, Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae vol. 6 Aberdeen & Moray by Hew Scott.

2 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Marriages.

3 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Births and Baptisms.

4 Internet Site, http://clanbrodie.us/Brodie%20of%20Muiresk.pdf The Brodies of Muiresk family tree.

5 e-books, Annals of the Parish and Burgh of Elgin by Robert Young (1879) Ecclesiastical Affairs.

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