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(About 1825-)
DORION, Denise
SOUVIGNY, Xauvier Joseph


Family Links

1. QUIGLEY, Leonard William

  • QUIGLEY, Bethina
  • QUIGLEY, Leonard William Jnr
  • QUIGLEY, Marie Elizabeth
  • QUIGLEY, LaRene M.
  • QUIGLEY, Leona Neva
  • QUIGLEY, Frank Melvin
  • QUIGLEY, Lawrence Edward
  • QUIGLEY, Beryl Winfred+
  • QUIGLEY, Patricia Ann
  • QUIGLEY, Delores M.
  • QUIGLEY, Kenneth W. Senior+


  • Born: 5 November 1885, Elochoman Valley, Wakkiakum County, Washington State, USA 2
  • Marriage (1): QUIGLEY, Leonard William on 27 February 1909 in Wahkiakum, Washington State, USA 1
  • Died: 19 February 1984, Cathlamet, Wahkiakum County, Washington State, USA 2 4
  • Buried: 1984, Greenwood Cemetery, Cathlamet, Washington State, USA 4

   Other names for Della were QUIGLEY, Della,4 QUIGLEY, Della May,5 QUIGLY, Della M, SOUVIGNER, Dell, SOUVIGNER, Della M.,1 SOUVIGNER, Della May,6 SOUVINER, Della May and SOVIGNER, Dell.

  General Notes:

The 1910 US census recorded Della Mae Quigley living with her husband and daughter Bethina in the household of her widowed father at Cathlamet. She was recorded as 22 years old and had been born in Washington State.

The 1920 US Census recorded Della Quigley, aged 34 years as the census states, living at Cathlamet. She had been born in Washington State and her father was Canadian by birth; his mother tongue was French. Her children's ages then ranged from 10 to 2 years of age and there were seven children by then.

Della M. Quigly was recorded the 1930 Census with her husband and family living at Cathlamet, Wahkiakum County, in the state of Washington. Her age was recorded as 45 years and she had been born in Washington State. She had nine children living at home. None of the children was married. Bethina and Marie were not recorded living there. 4 7 8

  Research Notes:


This testament to a daughter, wife, mother and grandmother is borrowed from the FRAZIER FARMSTEAD MUSEUM site at
Patrick's People is most indebted and grateful for this information.

"Notes for Della Mae Souvigny:

DELLA SOUVIGNY HISTORY - - - - - - - - -1961


Courtesy of Pat Smith

Mom is getting quite shaky when it comes to writing but very alert otherwise. She still maintains her own house and yard. If it were not for arthritis and sinus trouble she would be in the best of health. You would never suspicion that she would be 76 this fall. I'm afraid none of us will ever achieve all the accomplishments in life that she has. She is always ready to go whenever a car stops for her. With 3 grandsons on the starting line on the basketball team she was really busy this winter. 3 games the whole season. She claims her children and great-grandchildren gives her even more to boast about. She loves pretty jewelry, clothes, and takes great pride in her looks. The grey hair still has many strands of black showing through. In fact, if any of us would give the go-ahead she would have a dye job. The Catholic Church and Grange are both a part of her way of life. When rearing her brood of 11, she had very little time for social funtions.

Della Mae Souvigny was born November 5th 1885, on the old homestead in the lower Elochoman Valley. She was the 2nd child born to Rose and Xavier. The delivery was performed by Margaret Foster, a midwife. (My husband's grandmother). She recalls her early childhood not too vividly. Her first school at the age of 7, was in a one-room school house located on the Pacific Cadeau Homestead, about a mile from home. They walked through mud, timber, and cattle to attend 4 or 5 hours a day, 3 days a week. When in the 3rd grade her parents separated. Her mother took Annie, Neva and herself with her to Pendleton Oregon to live. The mother Rose, was pregnant at the time. The 3 girls were enrolled in the St. Andrew's Sisters School. After Eleanor was born the mother went to work and it was up to Della to care for the baby and attend school when she could. Mom recalls taking the baby to school with her many times. After a few months, Rose met Henry Arbogast, whom she married. Soon after the marriage the 3 older girls were sent back to their father in Cathlamet. Mom said the Sisters at the school put them on a train and grandpa met them in Portland, and they returned to the ranch by the steamer 'Lurline'. About a year later grandpa decided to send them to Chamawa. (The school for children of varying degrees of Indian blood.) Tillie Marie, Frank and Joseph, who had stayed with their father were already attending school there. After a year, Mom decided to return home and keep house for the family. She stayed on the ranch and kept house until she was 14 and then went to Portland to work for the Andrew Cook family who lived on Grant Street. She continued to work for about 2 years and returned once more to the ranch. She recalls working for the Pacific Cadeau family and then for the John Doumit's.

She worked for this family up until the time of her marriage at age 24, to Leonard Quigley on February 28, 1909. They were married at the family home by Jesse Graham, Justice of the Peace. The newly weds journeyed to Portland for a two week honeymoon. On their return they lived with Dad's folks for a short time and then moved into a house on the Charlie Foster place. On November 28, 1909, their first child Bethina was born. Before the birth of this 12 pound baby - Mom's weight was over 200 pounds. The same midwife was around but refused to help in this case and urged Mom to go to a nursing home in Portland. This, she did, and a wiser decision no midwife could have ever made, because of the difficult birth. Dr. Rand cast the baby aside to concentrate on the life of the mother. Dad, discovering that there was life in the baby, asked the nurse to clean me up and try to save me. They pulled us both through!

January 6 1911, Leanard, Jr. was born. No other name could have been more fitting as he was born on Dad's birthday. The same dear old Grandma Foster delivered him.

March 24th 1913, along came Marie with Dr. Clark performing the honors. Later, this same year we moved to Clifton, Oregon , a little Greek settlement across the river from Cathlamet. Dad was the new Boom Foreman.

July 18th 1915, LaRene was born. Dr. Clark was the physician. Dad had to go in his boat to Cathlamet and bring him over to deliver the baby. (I remember this well, for I was crying with a toothache and after he delivered the baby, he pulled my tooth.) Dad decided it was time for me to go to a school and it shouldn't be a Greek school, so we moved bach to Cathlamet. Once again we lived just a few hundred yards from the house we had previously lived in.

September 25, 1918, Leona was delivered by Dr. Pierott along with the help of Aunt Marie Souvigny. About this time Dad decided he would have to have some extra income to care for the increasing brood, so once again we moved, this time to one of the Birnie houses facing the Columbia River. Dad began to fish nights in hopes to buy food for the family. He worked days on the traps for Joe Burk.

December 13, 1920, Dr Pierott again delivered another baby, Frank. Just about time to move again as this house was getting too small. So we moved to Athens Addition on the flats as they were called. It was in this green shingled house by Birnie Creek that Lawrence was born December 16, 1921. The same old Doctor. (Pierott)

Long enough to live in one place, so here we go again. This time we moved into a house owned by the Bradley logging Company and it was just a few yards from the second house we lived in by the tracks.

January 12, 1923-Berl; December 24, 1924-Patricia Ann; and November 1, 1925-Delores were born. (Same old doctor)

February 11, 1929 the last baby, Kenneth was born. Dr. Fritz a new physician in the community delivered him.

In 1952, Mom and Dad decided now that all the kids were gone they should have a smaller house so they purchased a home on the main highway about 2 miles from Cathlamet. This was the first home they really owned.

On December 21, 1957, Dad passed away. We buried him on December 24th. Xmas Eve has always been a sad time for us since. The adjustment was a real challenge for Mom, but with her family all so close by, she was the type of person who overcame all obstacles. When she looks back now and thinks of the old flat irons, wash board and oil lamps, she marvels how they were ever able to rear 11 children. Accidents were plentiful. Marie had her eye amputated when she was 5, Leona was severely burned at 5. These were the major ones.

(Bethina was elected County Clerk in 1955 and remained in that position until her death 31, Dec. 1977.)

Della Quigley celebrated her 96th birthday November 9th 1981."

Della married Leonard William QUIGLEY, son of John QUIGLEY and Bethenia BRADBURY, on 27 February 1909 in Wahkiakum, Washington State, USA.1 (Leonard William QUIGLEY was born on 6 January 1884 in Clatskanie, Columbia County, Oregon, USA,9 10 died on 22 December 1856 in Longview, Cowlitz, Washington, USA 4 11 12 and was buried on 24 December 1956 in Greenwood cemetery, Cathlamet, Wahkiakum County, Washington State, USA 4.)

  Marriage Notes:

The date of the license was February 27 1909. The couple married in the family home (of the bride) by Jesse Graham, J.P. They took a two week honeymoon in Portland Oregon. 4


1 ancestry.co.uk, Washington, County Marriages, 1855-2008.

2 ancestry.co.uk, U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014.

3 1910 US Census, WA Wahkiakum Cathlamet Dist 313 Pg 232 (April 27 1910 Robt E Irving.

4 Internet Site, http://museum.bmi.net/MARIE%20DORION%20PEOPLE/Master.Pierre%20Dorion%20II.htm.

5 ancestry.co.uk, U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current.

6 ancestry.co.uk, Washington, Birth Records, 1870-1935.

7 1920 US Census, WA Wahkiakum Cathlamet ED 396 Pg 91.

8 1930 US Census, Wahkiakum Cathlamet Dist 4 Pg 61.

9 ancestry.co.uk, U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007.

10 ancestry.co.uk, U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942.

11 ancestry.co.uk, Washington, Select Death Certificates, 1907-1960.

12 ancestry.co.uk, Washington, Deaths, 1883-1960.

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