GRANT, William Gordon in Croftbain 1 2 3
- Born: 1 January 1833 3
- Baptised: 9 January 1833, Church of The Incarnation, Tombae, Banffshire, Scotland 3
- Marriage (1): GRANT, Christina on 17 November 1855 in Tombae, Inveravon parish, Banffshire, Scotland 1 2
User ID: N152.
General Notes:
"GRANT WILLIAM GORDON JAMES GRANT / MARGARET ANDERSON Male 1/1/1833 9/1/1833 Tombae, The Incarnation"
from Index of Roman Catholic Births and Baptisms
Roman Catholic Registers Tombae The Incarnation Banffshire Baptisms
"In the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Thirty Three (1833) At Nether Dounan 9th January 1833 No. 2 I the undersigned baptized William Gordon Grant born on the 1st January 1833, lawful son to John Grant Dounan and Margaret Anderson there. The Sponsors were William Gordon Esquire GrandUncle and Mrs. Margaret Grant Gordon Great Grandmother to the child both mother's side Tomsulin James John Gordon Miss. Ap." 3 4
William married Christina GRANT, daughter of John GRANT in Lynebeg and Barbara GRANT, on 17 November 1855 in Tombae, Inveravon parish, Banffshire, Scotland.1 2 (Christina GRANT was baptised on 11 November 1832 in Inveravon parish, Banffshire, Scotland 5.)
Marriage Notes:
"GRANT CHRISTINA GRANT WILLIAM 1855 157 / 6 Inveravon"
from Index of Marriages
The marriage was celebrated on 17 November 1855 at Tombae, after banns, according to the ceremonies of the Roman Catholic Church. Both bride and groom signed their names. Robert Stuart, Catholic clergyman, was the celebrant. The witnesses were Charles Smith and William Gordon.
William Grant's 'present and usual' address was Croftbain. He was aged 22 years and was a farmer's son. He had been born at Nether Downan to James Grant, a farmer, and Margaret Anderson.
Christina Grant's 'present and usual' address was Blairfindy, where she had been born. She too was 22 years old, and the daughter of a farmer, John Grant and Barbara Grant. Her birth was registered at Inveravon.
The marriage was registered, John McDonald being the registrar, at Inveravon on 20 November 1855. 1 2