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SIBBALD, Andrew of Over Rankeillour
(About 1545-)
(About 1560-)
BARCLAY, David 10th of Collairnie, 3rd Bailie of Lindores, 2nd Baron.
(About 1546-1587)
WEMYSS, Margaret
(About 1549-1608)
SIBBALD, James of Rankeillour, Fife, Sir
(About 1581-)
BARCLAY, Margaret
(About 1581-)
(About 1620-About 1661)


Family Links

1. GORDON, William
2. DUNBAR, David of Dunphall


  • Born: About 1620
  • Marriage (1): GORDON, William 25 September 1643(contract) 1
  • Marriage (2): DUNBAR, David of Dunphall by 1656 1
  • Died: About 1661 1

   User ID: W966.

Anna married William GORDON, son of George GORDON 3rd of Newton and Janet LESLIE, 25 September 1643(contract).1 (William GORDON was born about 1623 and died on 5 December 1647 in Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland 1.). The cause of his death was hanged by Covenanters.

  Marriage Notes:

"William Gordon married Anna, daughter of Sir James Sibbald of Rankeillor (whose daughter Helen married Sir John Gordon of Park). The matrimonial contract was recorded at Edinburgh, November 8, 1647. It was executed at Nether Tarbet, September 25, 1643, between George Gordon of Newton, for himself and his eldest son William, and Sir James Sibbald of Rankeilor, for himself and his daughter Anna. In an 'inventar of the wrytes anent Anne Sibbald' (in the possession of Mr. A. M. Gordon of Newton) there is this note :

'I find that the contract was registrat in Nov. 1647 and it is informed that the said William Gordone was execut in the moneth of [Novr the said year] abefore . . .'.

In the first draft there was a blank between 'of' and 'abefore,' which was, on revisal, filled up with the words 'Novr - the said year' and 'abefore' was also left standing. The revisal was made at the time the draft was written, about 1679. The provisions of the contract were never fulfilled, and Anna Sibbald started legal proceedings in 1648 and got a decision in her favour. Newton and John Gordon of Avochie (as cautioner) signed an obligation to pay her what was due. She got nothing. There were proceedings again in 1656 by 'Anna Sibbald, relict of vmqll William Gordone, eldest son of George Gordon of Newton and now spouse of David Dunbar, appeirand of Dumfaill'. New bonds are given by Newton and James, his eldest son. The whole ultimately came into the hands of Robert Forbes, 'tutor of Craigievar,' and formed one of the debts on which he apprised the lands of Newton." (page 314)

from Newton 1

Anna next married David DUNBAR of Dunphall, son of David DUNBAR of Dunphail and Margaret MUNRO, by 1656.1 (David DUNBAR of Dunphall was born about 1620.)

  Marriage Notes:

" ... There were proceedings again in 1656 by 'Anna Sibbald, relict of vmqll William Gordone, eldest son of George Gordon of Newton and now spouse of David Dunbar, appeirand of Dumfaill'. New bonds are given by Newton and James, his eldest son. The whole ultimately came into the hands of Robert Forbes, 'tutor of Craigievar,' and formed one of the debts on which he apprised the lands of Newton [....]

The "inventar" already mentioned says (on page 2) that Anna Sibbald 'lived till Witsonday, 1661'. She was alive in February, 1660, and was 'deceast' in 1666. Anna Sibbald and her husband, David Dunbar of Dumfaill, assigned (at Forres, February 7 and 23, 1660) the contracts by Newton and Avochie to Lieut.-Col. William Murray of Millegin (in parish of Grange, Banffshire) for Robert Forbes, tutor of Craigievar. On June 25, 1660, we find 'intimatione of the within written assignatione made to John Gordon of Avachie be John Rudach, portioner of Auchincrewe, procurator ; James Gordon of Rothiemay, John and Alexander Gordones his servants and John Gordon, Walkmilne, witnesses; William Murray, not. pub." (page 314)

from Newton 1


1 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 2 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1907) Cadets of Lesmoir: Newton by J.M. Bulloch assisted by D. Wimberley.

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