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(About 1620-)
STRACHAN, George Wigmaker
(About 1645-)
GRAY, Margaret
(About 1645-)
STRACHAN, George Wryter in Edinburgh and Clerk of Customs


Family Links

1. SMEETON, Anna

STRACHAN, George Wryter in Edinburgh and Clerk of Customs 1

  • Baptised: 29 June 1684, Edinburgh parish, Edinburgh, Scotland 2
  • Marriage (1): SMEETON, Anna
  • Died: 1762, Edinburgh parish, Edinburgh, Scotland 3

   Another name for George was STRAQUHAN, George.

  General Notes:

This was the second child to be given this name in this family.

Old Parish Register
Edinburgh Parish Edinburgh

"29 Junii 1684
George Strachan piriwig-maker. Margaret Gray ASN George Witnesses Daniell Clark Edward Broun Stabulars. James Bryson Stabular. Thomas Strachan Watchmaker"

In the baptism records of his three children between 1715 and 1722, George Strachan was recorded in two of the them, 1715 and 1716, as 'wryter', and in the third as 'clerk to the customs'.

A record of death in the city parish of Edinburgh (Edinburgh Parish no.685), where each of George's three children were baptised, in the year 1762, reads as follows:
"(June) 3 Georg Strachen £:3: D:P:W: Martyrs tombe old age"

There is no absolutely specific link to this George Strachan, and there is nothing that rules him out. The parish, and the fact that he was in old age, stand in favour of it being this man. 3 4 5 6

  Research Notes:


"The Martyr's Tomb (or Martyr's Monument) is in the north-east corner of Greyfriars Churchyard. It was first erected in 1706 and was renewed in 1771.


Halt passenger, take heed, what do you see -
This tomb doth show for what some men did die;
Here lies interr'd the dust of those who stood
'Gainst perjury, resisting unto blood;
Adhering to the covenants and laws
Establishing the same; which was the cause
Their lives were sacrific'd unto the lust
Of Prelatists abjur'd; through here their dust
Lies mixt with murderers and the other crew
Whom justice justly did to death pursue
But as for them no cause was to be found
Worthy of death; but only they were found
Constant and steadfast, zealous, witnessing
For the prerogatives of Christ their King;
Which truths were sealed by famous Guthrie's head
And all along to Mr Renwick's blood:
They did endure the wrath of enemies:
Reproaches, torments, deaths, and injuries
But yet they're those from whom such trouble came,
And now triumph in glory with the Lamb."

From http://www.edinphoto.org.uk/index.htm 7

George married Anna SMEETON, daughter of James SMEETON and Helen WISHART. (Anna SMEETON was baptised on 1 February 1685 in Edinburgh parish, Edinburgh, Scotland.)


1 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Edinburgh parish Edinburgh Baptisms 1715.

2 LDS Family Search, IGI.

3 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Edinburgh Parish Edinburgh Deaths 1762.

4 e-books, Cassell's Old and New Edinburgh.

5 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Edinburgh Parish Edinburgh Baptisms 1715, 1716,1722.

6 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Edinburgh Parish Edinburgh Baptisms 1684.

7 Internet Site, http://www.edinphoto.org.uk/index.htm.

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