GORDON, William of Netherdale 1 2
Cause of his death was he was killed at Ruthven by John Gordon alias John Geer.3 User ID: K669. William married Wife UNKNOWN.1 (Wife UNKNOWN was born about 1480.) Marriage Notes: 'William (Gordon), of Netherdale, who lived in Ruthven of Cromar (was the second son of Sir Alexander Gordon 1st of Abergeldie). In 1522 he raided the Corryhoul lands of Agnes Grant, the widow ofJohn McAllan, in Inverernan and took away much booty (Antiq. Aberdeen and Banff, iv., p. 477). In April, 1530, James Gordon of Abergeldie as surety for William, was ordered to pay to Agnes 'sex score of yowis price of the pece v schillingis, Ix of wedderis & yeild scheip price of the pece iiij schillinges, & foure score of lambs price of the pece ij schillings. And for the proffictis of the said vjxx yowis in woll, mylk, & lammis xxvij pundis. The proffictis of the saidis Ix wedderis & yeild scheip sen the tyme of the said spulye three pundis. The proffictis of the said Ixxx lammis sen the said spulye as saidis iiij pundis' (Acta Dom. Conc.). |
1 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 1 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1903) Abergeldie by J.M.Bulloch.
2 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 1 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1903) Balbithan MS.
3 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 1 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1903) Balbithan MS Abergeldie.
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