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McGILL, Elizabeth
(About 1560-)


Family Links

1. LOGAN, Robert 7th of Restalrig
2. KENNEDY, Thomas of Culzean, Sir

3. MURE, William of Rowallan

McGILL, Elizabeth 1

  • Born: About 1560
  • Marriage (1): LOGAN, Robert 7th of Restalrig before November 1576 1
  • Marriage (2): KENNEDY, Thomas of Culzean, Sir between I6 March and 28 April 1579 1
  • Marriage (3): MURE, William of Rowallan after 11 May 1602 1

   User ID: H282.

Elizabeth married Robert LOGAN 7th of Restalrig, son of Sir Robert LOGAN 6th of Restalrig and Agnes GRAY, before November 1576.1 (Robert LOGAN 7th of Restalrig was born about 1557.)

  Marriage Notes:

" .... Elizabeth M'Gill, daughter of Mr. David M'Gill, King's Advocate .... had been the wife of Robert Logan of Restalrig, afterwards implicated in the Gowrie Conspiracy, whom she had married some time before November 1576"

from Scots Peerage (vol 2) 1

Elizabeth next married Sir Thomas KENNEDY of Culzean, son of Gilbert KENNEDY 3rd Earl of Cassilis and Margaret KENNEDY, between I6 March and 28 April 1579.1 (Sir Thomas KENNEDY of Culzean was born about 1544 and died on 11 May 1602 1.). The cause of his death was revenge killing by Bargany's son for his part in death of Gilbert Kennedy of Bargany.

  Marriage Notes:

"Thomas Kennedy, second son of the third Earl, for a time known as ' Master of Cassillis.' He is said to have been taken prisoner at the battle of Langside, fighting on Queen Mary's behalf. He had a charter of the lands of Culzean from his brother Earl Gilbert, received sasine 14 September 1569, and he is generally known as Thomas Kennedy of Culzean. He was served tutor at law to the fifth Earl 16 March 1578-79. He was raised to the rank of Knighthood at the Coronation of Queen Anna on 17 May 1590. He took an active part in the feuds which affected his family, and these at last brought about his own murder by the treachery of John Mure of Auchindrane on 11 May 1602.

He married, between I6 March and 28 April 1579, Elizabeth M'Gill, daughter of Mr. David M'Gill, King's Advocate, styled variously of Lochcotes, Nisbet, and Cranstoun Riddell .... On 16 March 1578-79 she was living as her father's housekeeper, and during his absence Thomas Kennedy came with an armed force and carried her off. On 28 April the culprits appeared in Court, and she declared she had gone off with Kennedy by her own free will, to be married to him, and he stated that they were married."

from Scots Peerage (vol 2) 1

Elizabeth next married William MURE of Rowallan, son of John MURE of Rowallan and Marion CUNNINGHAM, after 11 May 1602.1 (William MURE of Rowallan was born about 1547 and died in November 1616 2.)

  Marriage Notes:

" She (Elizabeth McGill) survived Sir Thomas (Kennedy), and became the second wife of William Mure of Rowallan."

from Scots Peerage (vol 2) 1


1 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 2 (1905).

2 e-books, History of the County of Ayr with a genealogical account of the families of Ayrshire vol.2 by James Paterson (1852).

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