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STRATON, George of that Ilk
(About 1501-1580)
FORBES, Christian
(About 1508-)
ARBUTHNOTT, Robert 14th of that Ilk
(About 1508-1579)
KEITH, Christian
(About 1512-About 1553)
STRATON, Alexander of that Ilk
(About 1530-)
(About 1537-1587)
STRATON, Catherine
(About 1563-)


Family Links

1. BARCLAY, Thomas

2. STRACHAN, John minister of Kincardine O'Neil parish, Tutor of Thornton, Reverend Mr

STRATON, Catherine 3

  • Born: About 1563
  • Marriage (1): BARCLAY, Thomas 3 February 1578(charter) married 15 October 1578 1
  • Marriage (2): STRACHAN, John minister of Kincardine O'Neil parish, Tutor of Thornton, Reverend Mr by 29 March 1599(Register of Deeds) 2 3

   Other names for Catherine were STRAITON, Janet,4 STRAITON, Katherine 1 and STRATTOUN, Catherine.2

   User ID: D489.

Catherine married Thomas BARCLAY, son of George BARCLAY 10th of Mathers and Mary ERSKINE, 3 February 1578(charter) married 15 October 1578.1 (Thomas BARCLAY was born about 1558 and died before 1607(dvp) 4.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Title deeds of Mathers. {The Stratons of Lauriston Reference Material, Vol. II, 1501-1600, by Charles Henry Straton, 1939, p. 157 reads as follows:

1578 October 15

Thomas Barclay of Mathers married Katherine Stratoun at Aberluthnot on this date. The marriage settlement in the form of a charter by George Barclay of Mathers in favour of his son and daughter-in-law was signed at Lauriston 3 February 1578, John Straton of Redfurd was a witness. Sasine was given on May 5 1581.

Original Charter is in the possession of D. Porteus Esq. [who was in 1931 owner of] Lauriston Castle.}"

from Stratons of Lauriston

"He (George Barclay) was twice married. His first wife was Mary Erskine .... By this marriage George Barclay had one son, Thomas, who married Janet Straiton of Lauriston in the Mearns, 'a family eminent both for its antiquity and greatness, extinguished only in this present age.' He (the son, Thomas Barclay) died during the lifetime of his father, leaving two sons: David, styled in the records 'the fiar' of Mathers (Mathers XI), and Robert."

from History of the Barclay Family 1 4

Catherine next married Reverend Mr John STRACHAN minister of Kincardine O'Neil parish, Tutor of Thornton, son of Alexander STRACHAN younger of Thornton and Isabel KEITH, by 29 March 1599(Register of Deeds).2 3 (Reverend Mr John STRACHAN minister of Kincardine O'Neil parish, Tutor of Thornton was born about 1563.)

  Marriage Notes:

(at Kincardine O'Neil in 1582)

"John Strachan, granduncle of Alexander S. of Thornton ; pres. to the vicarage by James VI. 17th April 1582 ; was rector of King's College, Aberdeen, 1600 ; a member of the Assembly in 1602; Moderator of Synod 20th Feb. 1606, and app. by the General Assembly, 12th Dec. 1606, a member of a Committee to advise the ministers condemned for holding the Assembly at Aberdeen, to submit to His Majesty. S. was also appointed by that Assembly as Constant Moderator of the Presbytery, who were charged by the Privy Council, 17th Jan. 1607, to accept him as such within twentyfour hours after notice under pain of rebellion. He was a member of the Court of High Commission 15th Feb. 1610 and 15th June 1619 ; died before 7th Oct. 1625. He marr. (1) Catherine Straiton, and (2) Isabel, daugh. of John Symmer of Bratherisch, who survived him, and had issue Alexander of Dalhakie ; Robert, apprenticed to Andrew Purves, merchant, 26th July 1626; John; Katherine (marr. cont. 7th Oct. 1625, Alexander, son of Andrew Strachan, min. of Dun) ; a daugh. (marr. James Forbes of Cloak) ; Jean (marr. Adam Forbes). He is said to have had also a son, Robert, min. of Colvend. [Reg. of Deeds, cccxcviii. 202, ccccviii. 356 ; Lumsden's House of Forbes ; Aberdeen Sas. Sec. Reg., ii. 88, iii. 427, 481.]"

from Fasti Ecclesiae (vol 6)


Fasti Ecclesiae, volume 8, eliminates "Robert, min. of Colvend" as being a son of the Tutor of Thornton.

(at Kincardine O'Neil in 1582)

John Strachan, son of John S. of Thornton and Margaret Livingston, and brother of William S. of Kirkton of Kincardine O'Neil and Tilliefroskie; pres. in 1582 on death of Robert Witherspoon; canon and prebendary of Aberdeen; rector of King's College, Aberdeen, 1600, 1602, 1605, 1608-10, 1612-14; died after 6th Aug. 1621. Marr. before 19th Nov. 1604 Isabel Symmer and had issue Robert; Thomas; Isabel (marr. James Forbes of Cloak). Marr. (3) Agnes Troup and had issue Jean; his son, John, M.A., served in Muirton as heir of his father Oct. 1628. [Reg. Mag. Sig., iii, 2893; v, 1142, 1786, vi, 726, 1256, 2186, viii, 222; Retours, iv, 130; Aberdeen Sas., ii, 265, 267, iii, 421, xvi, 207; Reg. Pres. Bene., ii, 136; Aberdeen Inhib., 11th Oct. 1636; Books of Adjournal, viii, Old Series, 798, 5th April 1650; Kincardine Sas., iii, 107.]"

from Fasti Ecclesiae (vol 8 Addenda et Corrigenda)


Fasti Ecclesiae, volume 6. states that Isabel Symmer survived John Strachan. The in Fasti Ecclesiae, volume 8, an 'Agnes Troup' is also married to a John/Alexander Strachan, who supposedly succeeded this John Strachan in Kincardine O'Neil parish, and of whom Fasti gives a confused account as being minister of Lumphanan parish. This being so confused, Agnes Troup is not added here as a wife of the Tutor of Thornton. She is not named elsewhere as his wife.


Page: 638


Parties:George Barclay of Matheris - Catherine Strattoun relict of Thomas Barclay son of sd George B & Mr John Strachan parsone of K----- now sp of sd Catherine S

Notes: Kinneff? "

from Register of Deeds in Brechin


Since there was no John Strachan who was parson of Kinneff parish, it is likely that the note above suggesting 'Kinneff' as an explanation of 'K-----' is wrong. There was a James Strachan, minsiter of Kinneff but he did not marry Catherine Stratton. It is therefore more likely John Strachan above was parson of Kincardine O'Neil parish.
2 3 5


1 e-books, The Stratons of Lauriston and their offshoots by C. H. Straton (privately printed 1939 and 2001).

2 Internet Site, https://www.ancestor.abel.co.uk/Angus/Commissariot_of_Brechin-CC3_9_1.html Parties in the Register of Deeds of the Commissariot of Brechin.

3 e-books, Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae vol. 6 Aberdeen & Moray by Hew Scott.

4 e-books, A History of the Barclay Family Part II 1067-1660 compiled by Hubert F. Barclay (1933).

5 e-books, Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae vol. 8 Addenda and Corrigenda by Hew Scott (1950).

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